(no subject)

Nov 06, 2012 21:32

So I was recommended to watch The Walking Dead by a good number of people...and I finished season 1. Honestly, I don't really dig the whole "post-apocalyptic" zombie genre where there's only a hand full of survivors. Probably one of the reasons why I don't like the the RE live action movies. However, Resident Evil itself isn't about surviving in a "post-apocalyptic" world (I hope it'll never get to that point). RE is about certain "contained" outbreaks due to bad people doing experiments with viruses for various reasons. That's the main thing I like about RE. So I don't feel like The Walking Dead is as awesome as people make it out to be...and certain characters..at least half of them in the show are really annoying and getting on my nerves. My motivation to continue watching has greatly decreased.

But I wonder what I'll do in a bioterrorism outbreak like those in RE(not a post-apocalyptic zombie outbreak). Survival of the fittest I guess..I wonder what I'll do in those situations.

I think I mentioned that I felt like RE6 wasn't as good graphically compared to RE5. So I popped in RE5, and sat very close to the TV and watched some cutscenes and how it looked ingame. And then compared it to RE6 right away. And really, they look the same, and RE6 I feel like is even better in some regards. But lighting wise, RE6 has decreased in quality. Like there are visible pixalations in the shadows on the characters, something that RE5 rarely had. I'm kinda OCD about that...:/
One thing that kinda bugs me about Sherry's file in RE6 is that they said that her youthful look is due to the G virus in her body. I just don't see how a 26 year old cannot look youthful naturally. Either way, Sherry is still my fav character. I just really like her benevolence even after all the shit she's gone through. And she keeps a very level head in situations, tough, and pretty smart.
I don't know, but for some reason I'm not that fond of Piers. I mean, there's nothing wrong with him, but I just don't like him that much. Maybe because he kiss ass too much to Chris..and is hot headed at times. I duno.

Clinic has been slow, so many people are cancelling, maybe because of the upcoming holidays. So annoying. And really annoyed about a certain someone in our class that thinks she's the center of attention. Like when I'm talking to someone, she'll just come and interrupt like she's the only one there. wtf. makes me want to punch her in her face. And she wonders why people don't like her. But aside from fellow classmates, the majority of other people who I work with, the assistants in various departments, the doctors, coordinators, and upper classmen are totally awesome.

I've realized that for almost 7 years I've only seen Creampuff for about 1/3 of the whole year. Didn't realize it until recently. Kinda sucks actually, that school is taking up so much time.

So...Obama wins again. Honestly, I'm indifferent to both candidates...but I dislike Romney much more. That man has some really f-ed up morals..especially on pro life shit IMO. But Obama did pull a dick move by getting rid of Unsubsidized loans....that was pretty messed up cuz it screwed me and everyone else big time. Obama really needs to fix the economy (yes, I know Bush screwed up the economy in the first place) because I have loans to pay off after school, and I won't be happy if I only make like 300 a day once I get out after all the time in school...that avg out to be 77k a year...which honestly is very little considering how much is going to be for loans. I need at least 400 a day....which still isn't that great either. Obama needs to step it up.
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