400 pts a quarter?!

Jan 17, 2013 19:53

Crapppp...So rumors have it that we have to make 400pts by the end of this quarter. To give a perspective....first quarter the goal was 150pts, so was the 2nd quarter, to reach 300pts on clinic. Now this quarter, the goal is to reach 700pts. **** That means, you have to average about 10 pts per clinic session. ugh...that is hard, especially when procedures are long, and they don't give you points until you finish them like a couple of appointments after...like freaking crowns/crown preps and like dentures...that take about 5 appointments, but only yield 30 points at the end. All I know, is that I need to get a lot more efficient, but no use if the patient is a no show, which I had a shit ton last quarter. Totally screwed up my rhythm. But more procedures means more lab work...and I just LOVVVVVVEEEEE doing labwork *sarcasm*.

Anyway....on to more exciting news!

Detroit Auto Show.
Damn, that NSX interior looks so nice. rumor has it that even though it's a hybrid, it has massive hp and torque. Gonna get me one of those someday.

Seems like Acura's signature look are the jewel LED headlights, pretty cool. The jewel headlights is kinda like BMW's halo headlights, in that they are signature looks that can't be just copied like what others have done with Audi's LED leadlights.

The new MDX looks real nice too.
The RLX still seems a bit conservative, and not sporty enough though..unfortunately.

Lightning Returns: FFXIII

image Click to view

Stupid Noel, fighting Lightning for no good reason. I hope she'll put him in his place one and for all in this installment. I hated that guy.
Lightning really reminds me of Cloud now, especially with that big ass sword on her back and the frilly cloth, and how she lands on the CGI cutscene near the end of the trailer. That's totally like Cloud.
Anyway, aside from the probably convoluted lackluster story (thanks to toriyama), the gameplay looks quite fun. I'm actually excited...it might be a day one buy for me...we shall see. Eye candy time!

Design looks pretty cool I might add, but that is not Serah. Hair is kinda like Serah's but the face is different. Apparently she's call Lumina.

One of Lightning's swappable costumes in battle. Kinda like job classes you might say...looks cool!

Erm..don't know why she has Serah's derpy look on her face...freaking reminds me of this:

I guess they are sisters..

them boots look like something robin hood would wear.

Interesting how different clothes comes with tatoos...that's probably Odin. Hey I just noticed that sword...really resembles one of Cloud's swords, the Hardedge.

Random pics I guess...

meh, looks the same to me

Such presence.. haha love it. Really liking the big sword. Such a boss picture. Ugh, hate using the word "boss" for anything else, but this seems like an appropriate place to do so.

I just hope this last installment in the XIII series better be a good one..and better not have some retarded ending. Lightning better not die. That's all I've got to say.
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