I know math? BZUH?!

May 06, 2007 01:31

GAH I need new icons. I deleted some and uploaded some new ones... I will reorganise them fully when I have more time.
Studied some Math today. I was surprised to find that I actually know some. :O Having not touched my math books for nearly a year, this comes as quite a shock to me, albeit a pleasant one. Maybe I'll do well on Monday/Tuesday, who knows??

English went extraordinary. The commentary was a little unstructured, I had to start writing and I was still fiddling in my brain for what I wanted to say about that piece they gave us (an extract from a novel written in 1900, in which a wife confronts her husband about his infidelity). However the essay I wrote for paper 2, which was based on some plays we've done in class, was much more coherent and well-structured. I can easily say I got a 7/7 there. :D

Uhm, I need to get out of the house. Like, out with friends, to hang out or something. :( I've been locked in here for a week, and my progress has been minimal... I feel so fed up... :( I know I have things to do but NYEH. just nyeh.

House was a little boring today, although his jokes ruled as always. Cameron was pretty.
Also, the OC season 3 sucks big time. I only watched it because I was waiting for House...
AND HEROES 20?? ZOMGWTF?! (spoilers?) It had to finish until it made sense. The beginning was all X-Men and I hated it, I figured oh come ON dude stop the cliches or I'll poke my own eyes out!! And then the end came and I'm like, NO WAIIIII~ So fucked up. And so many dead people!! I felt like crying!! :( Too many dead people! But, grown up Peter = love. Of course they paired him with the pretty girl... *sigh* And Matt!! MATT MY LOVE WHY?! I loved him so much. >_< Please Hiro go back and make it stop!! But wait, even though he's going back he's trying to stop the wrong person. Wah. SO FUCKED UP I TELL YOU. (end spoilers, although I just read it again and it doesn't make any sense lol) I hear the season ends in 3 episodes?? NUUUUUUU. T_T

Yesterday as I was coming home from school, I saw this woman walking down the street:

Sofia from Mazi Sou!!! I know it was her, even though she was wearing sunglasses I would recognize those lips anywhere! She was so thin! I didn't talk to her, although I probably should have. I figured I'd be too fangirly and boring and I didn't want to bother her, she was eating something anyway and it would just be rude... But I was so happy~ I love this woman, she's amazing!! :D

OH, and I want to thank
ib_rangerz for teh math 1337 h4xx0rz help yesterday, it means a lot to me. :)

I miss Aggelos. :( Or, should I say my boyfriend? GOD IT SOUNDS WEIRD. But it's nice. I kinda like it. I like it a lot. XD
We were texting each other yesterday, he asked how english went and I told him, and he said he can't wait to see me and NEITHER CAN I. :( But he's at his uni now anyways, said he wouldn't come back this weekend. Meh, even if he would I doubt I could get out of here no matter how much I need to because I am fiercely guarded by the one and only evil muzzer. :( 12 more days until exams end. Strength is needed! YOSH!

But seriously, I need to get out of here. Fresh aiiiiir. A waaaalk. Some chit-chatter, SOMETHING. >_<
Never you mind, once May 18 comes I'll be out day and night, HA! XD

Today during one of my infamous breaks from studying (which usually last double the time I actually study) I discovered the motive of the murderer in my supah-sekrit Prince of Tennis fic. :D I can work better now. I might need to look at the old chapters again (I've finished 1 & 2) because they might sound unsophisticated... I have the impression they aren't too well-written, but that's probably because nothing much happens plot-wise, and it feels empty to me even though it isn't. I've written a total of 8,000 words at the very least and I'm not even started. O_o

Maybe I should do NaNoWriMo this year. With the speeds of my writing when I'm inspired, 50k won't be an issue. :D

Okay, I need to go to sleep now.
(All I ever do is sleep these days, I feel so useless. T_T)
Goodnight all, hope you're having a good day! ^_^

prince of tennis, exams, house md, boys, oc, random, heroes, obsessmuch, tv, school, fanfiction

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