all you need to know about your new (or old) LJ friend

Nov 23, 2010 22:51

Basic Info
Username: hyungniiim 
Name: Katharine
Given name: Katarina
Nicknames: Kat, Kath, K, Italy (because of Hetalia cosplay), hyungnim (because I make a killer Hwang Tae Kyung face)
DOB: December 8, 1989
Origin: Greece/Serbia
Grew up in: Thessaloniki, Greece
Current residence: London, UK
Orientation: Bi
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Chinese Zodiac: Snake

What is going on in my life
I am in university in England (London, specifically), studying Creative Writing. I'm in my last year. I'm currently single.
My best friend and former roommate Amy kankyuuhin recently moved back to Greece, so now I'm living with three other students in a house right across the street from university.
I'm the vice-president of the Anime society at uni, as well as the founder of the Creative Writing society. We meet every week for various activities which I blog about whenever it gets interesting (screenings in Anime, writing workshops and discussions in CW).

People I might mention a lot
Athena - my kouhai at university, hailing from the same city in Greece as me. We're both into Japanese things and writing and share many beliefs and quirks. We hang out almost every day. She calls me "sempai"! It's pretty awesome.
Amy kankyuuhin - my best friend whom I used to live with. We've known each other for endless years (since 2002, I believe) and share virtually every interest. She's back in Greece now and will be for a few months.
Michael, Sunita, and Gianpaolo - my new housemates. Also Anita, the girl whose room I'm taking over, who will be coming over a lot since the others are her friends.
Martin - the president of the Anime society. I have mixed feelings for him, veering dangerously towards the negative. The other committee members, Waran, Claudia, & Ben, I have no real qualms with.
Esther, Jennifer, Jamie, Natalia - people on my Creative Writing course.
Dani koyaaniisqatsi - a friend who used to go to my uni. We bonded over our love for anime last year, and now we hang out whenever time permits :)
The Smarmy Gits - the group of bat-shit crazy and amazingly awesome people I cosplayed Hetalia with in 2009. We still hang out regularly, whenever we can. Many of them have LJs, which I'm too bored to list here. I'll mention them as I go.
At-chan - my sister, incidentally also named Athena. She's 16 and in her second-to-last year of school. We're the best of friends.
My mom - we have a weird relationship. I love her but she drives me crazy. I'm told that's normal :P

What I like currently (in no particular order)
Activities: Books, TV, photography (analogue/Lomo), cosplay, discovering new awesome music/TV/things, hanging out with my friends; general social bubbliness, creativity, and awesomeness.

TV: Supernatural, Merlin, Criminal Minds, The Good Wife, Bones, Castle, HIMYM, The Mentalist, TBBT, Glee, the occasional anime, jdramas, the occasional kdrama (You're Beautiful, Boys Over Flowers, Personal Taste, Mary Stayed Out All Night), SyFy's Alice, White Collar.

Music: The Academy Is..., Lostprophets, My Chemical Romance, Johnny's Entertainment bands (Arashi, News, Hey! Say! Jump, and sometimes KaT-TUN), Joshua Radin, classic rock - blame Supernatural! (Bad Company, Kansas, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Blue Oyster Cult), Innerpartysystem, Good Charlotte, other jpop acts and singers (Perfume, Fukuyama Masaharu, WaT, and others), the occasional kpop band (SHINee, Super Junior, Big Bang, DBSK ;___;), & instrumental soundtracks from films, TV, and jdramas.

Ships: Merlin/Gwaine & Arthur/Merlin & Morgause/Morgana (Merlin), Morgan/Garcia & JJ/Elle & JJ/Prentiss & Prentiss/Hotch & Reid/psychopaths [Tobias Hankel, Nathan Harris] (Criminal Minds), Will/Alicia & Cary/Kalinda & Kalinda/other women & Diane/Marlboro Man (The Good Wife), Booth/Brennan & Angela/Hodgins & Cam/Zack (Bones), Beckett/Castle (Castle), Lisbon/Van Pelt (The Mentalist), Kurt/Karofsky & Kurt/Blaine & Kurt/Sam & Puck/Sam & Finn/Rachel & Santana/Brittany & Tina/Mike (Glee), Alice/Hatter (SyFy's Alice), Gil/Oz (Pandora Hearts), Caspian/Edmund, Caspian/Peter, Lucy/Tumnus (Narnia).

My active fandoms: Supernatural, Merlin, Criminal Minds, Chronicles of Narnia.

What you can expect to see in my journal
  • Long posts! Consider yourselves warned.
  • Random gifs from my favourite shows (mostly SPN and Merlin, because I'm biased :P).
  • Real life updates, stuff about Greece and England,university, my friends, my thoughts and musings.
  • Fandom squee and rants, episode reviews and capslock posts with screencaps and incoherent keyboard smashing.
  • Pictures, videos, links, anything to aid in any of the above.
  • Occasional unannounced radio-silence (I always end up going on hiatuses when I don't expect it - whenever I announce it I just end up posting the next day, lol).
  • Questions/pleas for advice on various topics. Not that often, but I do it.
What you can expect from me
I love commenting on people's entries! I try to comment on everything, suffice that I have something to say. I appreciate active commenting because that's how flisters bond <3
That said, sometimes I won't comment or I'll be catching up with my flist and commenting on your stuff maybe up to a few weeks later. I personally don't mind late comments, which is why I don't mind giving them. So don't be afraid to leave comments on entries of mine that are more than a few days old. Go for it :D (Just don't go too far back, some of that stuff is pretty wangsty and teenagery and just silly, lol.)

Where else you can find me
You're free to follow any of my following accounts:
I might edit this post later, but I think this pretty much covers the basics of what you need to know about me :) Ask me anything else you want to know! :D

intro post, lj, userinfo

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