Shut up, I can count. Just not in the right order. Not today.
Random: The English never say "movie". They say "film". Which on the one hand makes sense because that's what movies were originally called, except when I say "film" I mean photography film, and they confuse the two and then I need to explain. This takes time and effort in conversations and it's just stupid.
Film = photography film you put in cameras and stuff.
Movie = that shiny moving thing with music and stuff you pay £7 pounds for if it's not an Orange Wednesday. Let's set a few things straight, lol.
Mmm. Yesterday I tried to fix my sleeping patterns by staying up since the day before at 5ish for roughly 24 hours.
Did not work. Fell asleep at 3pm, slept for 3 hours, and then couldn't get BACK to sleep till 6:30am this morning.
*sigh* I never learn.
xmtx sent me
this link on Facebook though, so I think I might do this tomorrow/the day after and see how it goes.
I finished catching up with Criminal Miiiiiiinds :( I want MOAR. I want it all the time. I want marathons like these past few weeks, moar and moar episodes. Can't I has? *sniff* :( ...
It's pretty awesome though. I was telling Amy last night/this morning at 5am how Criminal Minds is different from virtually any other series I've seen, in the sense that when other shows are at their peak at the beginning and only go downwards in quality from there, Criminal Minds hit their peak from mid-season 2 all the way to early season 4. It was the AWESOMEST I've ever seen, and I'd rewatch that any day, all the time. Might actually do that soon, I'm already experiencing withdrawal symptoms.
Gah. I need to make a proper pimp post of doom for this show or something. You, flist, need to be converted.
For serious.
*sigh* I'm on my way to paying my rent now. Not fun. :/ I'm going to be a little broke these days but my mom said she'd send me money on the 29th, which is tomorrow, so yayy. And my dad's sending me it next week. So I'll be okay. Amy and I ordered my Italiaaaaa costume on eBay, and the wig, so that needs to be taken care of. And I need to find boots for it. :/ Hopefully there will be something around London, this place is massive as it is so I'm sure the right pair is lurking somewhere waiting for me to pick it up. XD
Random: Must start working on screenplay. And read Wide Sargasso Sea. And revise/study for my two exams.
Do not want. T_____T
Atashinchi No Danshi #2 was lolarious. We were in need of a lighthearted comedy break from all the epicness that is Godhand Teru, by far the most epic (medical or otherwise) drama I've seen so far, ever. It's like, it brims with intensity and powerful music/images/special effects that make you go "whoa, what was that?!" I swear if they do that in every episode, I'm going to need extreme dosages of any hilarious drama to make up for it and stabilize me or something.
I hear Chance! part 2 is subbed so we'll be watching that later today.
I'm also downloading CSI: New York, because I want to watch it properly as I've never done before. Neither has Amy, so :) ~
Random: I want to sleep. TwT
My brain, it's not linear at all today. OTL
My moodtheme TOTALLY expresses how I'm feeling right now. Lol Jandiface. XD