wow this took me ages to finish =_=''

Apr 17, 2009 20:21

I put my Facebook back on proper English... The Pirate had started to confuse me. When the site switched over to the ugly new layout of doom, I started getting confused. And now that I wanted to activate Facebook Mobile it just seemed impossible to understand the pirate talk on the settings page. >_< I'm going to miss it. I liked it in Pirate, but I don't like the new layout because it's stupid and confusing and copying Twitter, which I loathe. Ugh.

Oh, Amy and I just got back from watching I Love You, Man. IT WAS AWESOME. Best screenplay I've seen in a while. The dudes who wrote it deserve gold stars all over the place. You know that kind of comedy that makes you think, that's based on language and words and clever, unusual, witty dialogue that just blows your mind?* That's the kind of comedy this movie is. Epically hilarious. Go see it if you can, srsly.
* By the way, what would you call this type of humour? I'm drawing a blank on my vocab list :P

I will now do a bunch of memes I've been tagged for (and if you've tagged me for something and I haven't done it yet, I must have forgotten, remind me plz? ^^)

crescent_fall , the five icons meme:
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

1. code geass ☆ kallen punch! by itokonoarts
I was about to cosplay Kallen in that dress for the Grand International Cosplay Ball last November, and I wanted an icon with her in this outfit. The only one I found was this, which I love because she is so damn fierce it's impossible. I use it when I feel the intense urge of punching someonething when a situation is absurd or rage-inducing, or when I want to be/appear fierce like Kallen. Or simply for Code Geass reasons. ^^

2. firefly ☆ inevitable betrayal by dignity20s_box
FIREFLYYYYY ♥! This show is made of all kinds of awesome. That witty clever wordy humour that I love, Nathan Fillion, awesome characters, it's just brilliant. This quote is said by Walsh on the very first time we set eyes on him in the first episode. It sets him up as a funny but very imaginative character with potential rage issues XD I use it for the lulz, usually, or when the quote feels appropriate (which is rare).

3. hydk ☆ moar prince song by empyre
Boys Over Flowers (Hana Yori Dango: Korean version) is absolute epic genius. It reinvents the characters from the original HYD manga and makes them very real and identifiable, not perfect or two-dimensional like the japanese drama did. Prince Song is the Korean equivalent of Mimasaka Akira, played by this guy in the jdrama; he is the mobster heir and badass dude of the F4. In the Korean version though, he is also cute. And he doesn't get appropriate screentime, methinks. So the drama, and also life in general, is in need of MOAR PRINCE SONG. I use it when a post needs moar Prince Song in it. I should be using it in every post.

4. badfics ☆ crazy new story by rictusempra__
The quote is taken directly from a Harry Potter fanfic, a badly written one of course, one of thouse found in abundance throughout teh intrawebz. I use it when I have a lot of things to say about something, as a sort of introduction to my post or story.

5. music♪johnnys ☆ SPAMSPAMSPAM by ikameshii
Johnny's Entertainment can melt your brain, it is scientifically proven (well not exactly, but anyway). It takes over your life in ways you cannot possibly imagine until you experience it. So of course, it takes over your journal as well. I have this icon for posts that consist primarily of Johnny's stuff, like fangirling over multiple members or bands or dramas with JE people in them. Sadly, I have not used this icon in a post just yet. :/ I always find something other than Johnny's to include in my posts :P

Yayyy that was a fun meme. If you want to do it, comment and ask me to pick 5 of your icons :)

marilena_r , the shag/marry/throw off a cliff meme.
1. Comment to this and I will give you 3 people.
2. Post this meme with your answers.
3. Provide pictures and the names of 3 people.
4. Label which you would marry, shag, and throw off a cliff.

She provided me with these three men: Koyama Keiichiro, Nakamaru Yuichi, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers.
And the verdict is...

Shag: the underappreciated KAT-TUN member and Shonen Club presenter, Nakamaru Yuichi

He's a great guy. Funny, low-profile yet popular, nice. Nice body too, and he can beat the box! Awesome!
He's like a torrential affair that would really spin my world around, until I'd meet my one true love which is...

Marry: the other Shonen Club presenter, Koyama Keiichiro

He is genuinely nice and casual, by far the most multitasking member of NewS, and really, really good-looking.
He is reliable and kind to everyone, has an interest in so many things and usually does about 3 or 4 things at any given time.
I'd meet him during my relationship with Nakamaru, and fall instantly in love with him, and he with me ahahahahah. <3

Throw off a cliff: Henry the VIII, sportsy type Jonathan Rhys-Meyers

He annoys me. I used to like him back in the old Bend it Like Beckham days, but then he bacems sort of a bandwagon,
the kind of actor that eeeeveryone loves and wants and is just too hot for words (which I do not believe, btw).
Also, his character in Woody Allen's Match Point pissed me off sooooo much. >.< I do not like murderers who get away with it.
(I suppose Henry VIII falls into the same category? XD)
He's kind of too full of himself and I don't like that in people. Oh and I don't do bandwagons, lol.

Thank you Marilena for the meme :) If anyone wants to do it, comment and ask me to give you three names. ;)

From hermionesparkle , a 20-question survey:
Firstly: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
Secondly: Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

01. Make a list of 5 things you can see:- my birthday present from hyuugaprincess , a realistic pencil sketch of Chinen Yuri
- a Greek flag that xmtx brought over, which is placed prominently above the fake fireplace in my living room
- Amy,
bushy_haired , on her computer looking at certain cute boys going to school my shota senses are tingling
- our DVD shelf, and my book shelf which primarily consists of books I haven't yet read :P

02. What is your favorite pick-me-up movie?
I haven't really thought about it, but... Elizabethtown, probably.

03. Is there anything in your fridge right now that you would never eat/drink?
I had to actually get up and check for this, lol. No, I would will eat/drink everything that's in there :)

04. What's your occupation?
University student at Brunel University of West London, studying Creative Writing. Currently in year 1 of 3.

05. Do you nap a lot?
Mm, not really, but my sleep patterns are effed again, so I don't know what counts as napping. I'm going to go with no for now, lol.

06. What was your first celebrity crush?
Are we talking really young and irrational? The it was Stratos Tzortzoglou, Greek actor who at the time starred in a revolutionary new series. I was like... 3? I think? :S And I wanted to marry him. Who can blame me, he looked like THIS. To die for, y/y? Now he looks like this, still yummy. :) I actually met him when I was 11, and my grandparents who'd taken me to the theatre to see him in an Ancient Greek tragedy told him all about my crush and he signed my booklet with my own childish quote of back then (a mispronounced version of that series he was in). Fond memories <3

07. What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Criminal Minds. And Johnny's, of course.

08. What are you listening to right now?
Kumorinochi, Kaisei by Satoshi Ohno :D

09. What food could you eat every day for weeks and not get sick of?
My mom's spinach+rice. Or stuffed peppers. YUM.

10. What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Yahoo Mail, Livejournal, Gmail, Facebook, Dailybooth.

11. What was the last thing you bought?
Foooood. We restocked our fridge/cupboards for a few days. :)

12. What was the cutest thing you've seen today?
I saw this in my mind's eye, but it still counts: Shige recounting to Koyama in Kei-chan News (30/03/09) the story of drying out washed bills that he'd forgotten in his pants pocket with a blowdryer. I CAN SO SEE IT OMG. SO CUTE.
And also the aforementioned shota alert cute boys going to school.
I suppose the movie also counted on some level too, though it was primarily funny, not cute. XD

13. Does the weather affect your mood?
Sometimes. Depends on other factors of course, but it can affect my mood greatly occasionaly.

14. Favorite hobby(ies)?
Watching stuff (japanese things like anime and jdrama, as well as american series and movies), photography, fanfiction, internet stuff, being lazy and doing all the above while ignoring homework.

15. Name a song that makes you think about a ship/character that you like lately.
"On My Way" by Boyce Avenue makes me think of Morgan/Garcia from Criminal Minds. It could remind me of anything straight really, since it's a very open and romantic song. Once again, it's one of those love songs that don't use the L word at all, which I think is awesome. Listen to it here.

16. Weird dream?
Yes, I'm still having those. I distinctly remember dreaming about Criminal Minds people, namely Hotchner, Garcia and Reid (I think...) the other night, but that was one of three dreams I had in one night so I don't remember that OR the other dreams in much detail =_=...

Seriously, Criminal Minds is all over my brain lately... BUT I LOVE IT SO MUCH I DON'T WANT IT TO STOOOOP.

17. What book are you currently reading?
Lol don't ask me that I haven't properly read anything in so long T___T
I'm supposed to be reading The Treatment by Mo Hayder since JANUARY, and also I need to read Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys as part of my revision for uni. >____< FAIL, KATH, FAIL.

18. What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
"I like you a lot, I'd like to hang out with you more! Also, I need to figure out what this feeling I have for you is."

19. What are your plans for next weekend?
Noooo idea. Chris the Anime Club President asked me to hang out tomorrow but I DON'T WANT TO, so I'm avoiding that. It's Greek Orthodox Easter this weekend so we may be getting together with Alice, Danai and potentially Prim, if he's here, for celebratory hanging out, or something. Not really planning something special. I also need to start doing my script/revising. I NEED TO START. Sooo. Hm. Yes.

20. Say something about the person who tagged you:
She is one of the sweetest people I know, I like her a lot :) And we go waaaay back, from the days I used to make blends and stuff on Photoshop and send them to her site for contests and stuff. Good times.

I am tagging the following people:

bushy_haired ,
the_hp_goddess , bibsy , mishiewishie ,
x_reggg ,
x_saru_x , xbeyondinsanex , hikaraseru :)
You are not obliged to do it of course, but it would be nice.

x_saru_x , the person you like meme. She gave me Yoon Ji Hoo (the character) from Boys Over Flowers:

1. Do you like this person?
If he were real, I'd be in love.

2. How do you call this person?
Ji Hoo, or Rui. Or Hyunjoong, who is the actor who plays him.

3. Which color do you associate with this person?

5. Looking at his/her character, what blood type do you think he/she have?
Ahh, I don't know the blood type theory thing so... :/ I'll base my answer on Koi no ABO and say AB :P

6. What do you want to tell that person?
That I can be his shelter, if he lets me~ Since that incomprehensible woman Jan Di totally ditched him for Jun Pyo (SACRILEEEEGE!!)

7. What do you want to do with this person: hug, kiss or shake hands?
8. Pick five of your friends and pick one person for them:

0sweet_tart0 , Rafael Nadal
allase , Xiah Junsu

mienai_hoshi , Sakamoto Shougo
mishiewishie , Ohno Satoshi

bushy_haired , Taguchi Junnosuke

If you're not tagged and still want to do this, comment and ask me for a name and I'll give you one :)

Man, that was a lot of memes. I hope I didn't forget many more - I remember callherblondie had tagged me for a 25 things meme but I forgot to finish it >_< It's been a while now. And I'm sure there's others but I didn't write them down >.< I'll try to remember which memes they were but if you remember what you tagged me for, please tell me so I can do it :)

It's interesting what nice things you can learn from such little memes about a person ^^

weekend, friends, movies, greek tv, hot famous people, meme, shotabait will be the death of me, hey! say! jump, chris the anime club president, johnny's, photographic evidence of awesomeness, hana yori dango: k version, stuart, internet, code geass, amy t. (the bff)

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