do you call my love a fish, sir?

Jan 26, 2009 01:19

So today, I:
  • Did not get into the cast for After Juliet.
  • Did not like being rejected again, although they did tell me that I was really close in the cut for a number of parts actually, but that doesn't change the fact that they didn't pick me... Was consoled by Jenni, who was one of the leads in the musical last term, who only got an auxiliary part in this one... She made me feel a bit better, bless her :)
  • Watched 2 more episodes of the korean Hana Yori Dango, AND IT STILL FREAKIN' OWNS <3 Ohmygod Ruiiii, so hot neee? :3 And Domyouji, so cute! But I've started becoming torn again, and that's not good!!! It's part of why HYD was never really one of my favourites, because I always thought Tsukushi should be with Rui, not Domyouji. And the k-version has been very distinct about the pairings thus far which makes it infinitely better as far as I am concerned, because I don't like triangles at allll >__< And now we're on episode 5 where Rui comes back, and the exotic fortuneteller tells Tsukushi that her soulmate and her future husband are two different guys and I started feeling awkward again, why can't she be with her soulmate naaaa :( RUIII <3
  • Watched the Code Blue Special, which was EPIC by any standards. Yamapi's GIGA DRILL BREAKERRRR especially.
  • Was cheered up by the aforementioned two dramas :) Epic hilariousness is good, always.
  • Discovered that the Mo Hayder book I'm reading now, The Treatment, well... there's a bunch of things I don't like about it. Kinda gives me headaches? Which is not a good thing. Must sit and write down comments lest I forget.
  • Talked with my mom and my little sister on the phone, the latter of whom I've missed SO TERRIBLY MUCH, miiiii~ It's good to hear her voice, better than MSN/emails. Doesn't fix everything, but to some extent, at least, it helps.
  • Downloaded a whole bunch of piano sheet music PDFs, in search for songs I could sing solo at concerts and stuff. There's one this Thursday, where I decided to sing Reflection from the Mulan soundtrack... Been one of my favourite songs for years :)
Oh, and last but not least amusement gallore for your eyes only:

Katharine --

A person of questionable sanity who starts their own cult

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.comI kick ass. \m/

Will watch Bones nao. EPISODE 12 AT LAST TYVM. ^^

mo hayder, my sister, bones, books, brunel theatre workshop, kdrama, obsessmuch, tv, jdrama, hana yori dango: k version, after juliet, meme, music

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