Title: Graduating Tears
sleepingtensaiRating: G
Pairing(s): Seto Kouji / Takiguchi Yukihito
Notes: After watching the backstage for the latest Rikkai and watching the Graduation speeches, I just had to write about that cute Golden Pair moment that they had.
As I looked out into the audience, I couldn’t believe that this was the moment, the one that I hadn’t been looking forward to. A I stared into the stage lights, I could feel my eyes watering and a few tears escaped and fell down my cheeks. But I knew that the lights were the last thing I could blame my tears on.
And the tears kept falling as I heard how much this 3rd generation Seigaku meant to everyone. As it got closer to my turn I felt that I could go through what I wanted to say without breaking down. But there was one thing that I forgot. Seto came before me in line.
Glancing over at him as he stepped forward, I could see that he was crying but trying the best that he could to calm down enough. But I could also see that it wasn’t working. Halfway through his sentence, saw Seto break down. And it took all my strength to stay in my spot and not go over to him and hug him, telling him that everything was goring to be okay. Only the threat from Ueshima-sensei kept me from even thinking of walking over to him.
But I had to comfort him somehow. He’s my other half, the acrobat in our Golden Pair. Before I could even thinking about it, I was telling him that it was okay. And just as I was about to go further into comforting him, I got too choked up and couldn’t say more. I had to turn away, if only for a moment, to control myself.
In my heat I knew that Seto understood me, what I wanted to say to him. That it was okay to feel this sad, that it was okay to cry, and that everything was going to be okay because I was here for him. I knew that I could hold him and kiss those tears away later, away from the audience and the cast. That thought alone was the only thing that made me feel better about not being able to be there for Seto.
Controlling myself, I made myself go forward and speak. Right now this was for Seigaku and our fans. But tonight, when the moon was high in the sky and everyone was asleep, that was for me and Seto, where we will cry for the end of a big part of our lives but smile for all the good things that the future will bring us. So for now, I will speak to the fans from my heart.