Yo, wassup? This is my first entry here and i figured i should have one, although there may not be a point to it. Ah well who needs purpose anyway?
That's what I was thinking about today, I could be happy if all I did was lay down on my back and watch the clouds pass me by. Never thought I would ever think that.
I'm usually disgusted with people who
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Everyone sees the utter pointlessness in life now and then, but don't worry - it passes. Isn't that part of the beauty of it to begin with?
If your friends don't seem to care, it's human nature to be self-absorbed. Not everyone is thinking about everyone else - it's to be expected, especially at your age (surprise - my friends were the same way!).
You just need to learn to love yourself, and then you won't really need anyone else. If you mold your self-perspective as a 'cycle of hate' and other such cheery terms, you will forever be unhappy. I know, I have friends like that and they hate it.
And if you need someone to talk to, you *can* talk to me, you know. Or Sudie. Boy, are you teh dense! -_-;
I mean, we're family - we have to listen to you whine angst complain *ahem* We just have to listen to you. ;)
It's in the contract...somewhere. No one reads the contracts... ^^;
I know you don't take me seriously half the time 'cause maybe you think I never went through the omgPAIN and teen angst that you're going through, and you know, you may be right. But I am happy because I decided to be, at some point (or maybe at many points). Don't let things bother you - t'ain't worth it, young'un! You'll be a happy teenager because of it, if such a thing exists.
Deep down, you'll know: you're the purest, most beautiful thing in the world, and everything you do is exactly what you should be doing.
No worries, man. Things work out all on their own. Like when we're arting!
'Cause the realest, most perfect things can't depend on us mortals alone. At least not by ourselves. Remember that.
And remember you are never alone.
You have me, you have our parents and, always, you have yourself.
Hakuna matata and all that rot!
Ja ne, aniki! I don't like to hear you sad! :(
Don't make me spend another 20 mins. posting again! *shakes mighty fist*
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