History, in brief...

Jan 31, 2010 18:11

→ Allen Walker
→ 18
→ Like his canon counterpart, Allen lived with a traveling circus for a brief time, when Mana took him in.
→ Unlike his counterpart, he is not an Exorcist, and has no knowledge of akuma, the Order, or Noah.
→ No Innocence, and no curse. Though, one could argue the curse part.

→ Allen has been sleepwalking for as long as he can remember, although the sleepwalking did not become something of a problem until his adoptive father, Mana, died. The sleepwalking episodes began to be more frequent, and more volatile. Allen began finding himself waking up in the middle of scribbling on the walls with whatever writing utensil he could get his hands on. Most of what he had been writing would be half-finished, with no memory of what came next. Generally, he could make no sense of it at all.

→ He left the circus and went through foster home after foster home, until winding up with one couple who sought to put his sleepwalking to an end. One night, they locked everything away that could be used for writing, thinking that the boy would just return to bed. The next morning, they found him half-conscious underneath the dining room table, the walls covered in his own blood. He'd bitten into the tips of his fingers.

→ After being treated for his wounds at the local hospital, and deemed psychologically unstable, Allen was sent to another institution, Havenbrook. It was initially thought that a few tests would cure him of this ailment, but it had the exact opposite effect. Allen was starting to remember what went on when he fell asleep. He was a courier for the dead, something that made him seem even more disturbed to the supposed "professionals" than he really was.

→ Allen has become a longterm resident of Havenbrook, and has been moved between maximum and minimum security time and time again, in sync with his sleepwalking cycles. He is generally the same sweet and well-behaved Allen that everyone knows and loves. During his stay in minimum security, he became really good at poker, and subsequently cheating at it. He's become a sort of Houdini, able to escape most restraints while he's sleeping. No one's quite sure how or why, but Allen would argue it's as a result of what he has deemed the Otherworld. The dead have messages, and he needs to pass them on.


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