I love living a block off the beach.
This evening, as I was driving home from a trip to Walmart, the sun was begining to set on the horizon and it was absolutely gorgeous with the clouds and smooth waters. I told Wes I was going to run down to the beach and get a couple of pictures, and so after taking in a couple of bags, I did.
When I got down there, there was a woman and her child playing in the sand near the road. A quick exchange of hellos and I ran down to the water to snap my last photo. When I was walking up, they also began walking toward their car. The little girl just plopped down to the sand, so I thought she had tripped. The mother didn't seem to concerned, so I kept on walking. After plopping down, the girl proceeded to roll in the sand. She just giggled and rolled and was totally ecstatic. It was absolutely the cutest thing I've seen in a while.
I remember I tried to do that once. After a swift whop on the rear and severe chewing, I never did it again. The first thought through my head when I saw the little girl start rolling was "Poor mom.. getting all that sand out of the car, the girl's clothes, and her hair." Then I saw the mom's expression. All I could think was "Whoa. Cool mom," and be glad that the little girl was enjoying herself. I smiled the whole walk/jog home.