(no subject)

Mar 29, 2005 18:27

So much has happened in my life recently. Where should I begin?

I guess I can tell all of you about how I have lost over half of my belongings because of my asshole landlord at the apartment I was moving from. My lease in my old apartment does not end until the end of March...During the month of March I was in the process of moving and was planning on getting everything else out of the apartment t his past weekend. Well, when I went there on Thursday evening, I discovered that my locks had been changed. I tried calling one of the landlords but he claimed to not know anything about it and told me to contact his partner. His partner could not be reached that night. On Friday I went back to the apartment and found a sketchy guy going in and out of the apartment. I pulled up and wanted to know why the locks were changed and what was going on. He told me that on Thursday morning the landlord that i could not reach (Dave) had told him to throw everything in my apartment out on the streets. Now let me take a moment to tell you all what was left in my apartment:

microwave, crockpot, toaster, george foreman grill, dishes, 7 semesters worth of books that had been purchased during college, 7 semesters worth of piano music, over half of my clothes (all of my coats, jackets, and dresses/suits), ALL OF MY SHOES EXCEPT FOR 3 PAIRS (I am obsessed with buying shoes...there were 30 pairs of shoes in that apartment that are now gone), message board, pictures/college memories, MY CLOWN PILLOW THAT MY BROTHER MADE FOR ME WHEN HE WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL AND I WAS ABOUT 3 YEARS OLD (that pillow has been with me eversince he gave it to me back then. I keep praying that I hopefully have it somewhere in my very messy car and that it was not in the apartment...), MY EUPHONIUM...YES HE THREW OUT A $3000 INSTRUMENT (or perhaps more likely, it is in some pawn shop), my piano is the only thing in the apartment right now and the guy had the nerve to tell me that the only reason it wasn't put out on the streets was because it was too heavy for them to pick up. Plus, I can't even get into the apartment right now with a piano mover since they changed my locks. There are more items but it just depresses me to sit and type it all out here on the computer. I have a list that I made this weekend. That was depressing enough to look at.

fucking bastards.

Yes, I am going to sue the hell out of my landlord because what he did to me was undeniably wrong. My lease does not end until the end of this month and even if he was trying to evict me, that process would take up to 60 days. He would have to give me notice of eviction. I have to be given a certain amount of time to retrieve my belongings. You can't just go and change locks and throw someone's belongings out on the streets like this. You would have to be a sheriff to do something like this according to one of the lawyers that my mom and I have talked with. I'm getting free legal aid since I'm classified as an independent college student. Oh, and we're not doing small claims court. The lawyers want to go to District Civil Court so that I can receive more money. Small claims court would only allow a $4000 and my euphonium alone is close to that amount.

There are so many things that I am going to have to by all over again and many of the things I lost are irreplaceable.

Live and learn I guess...though I honestly never thought this would happen to me. It has changed me. I can't quite tell you how. It is something that I understand but can't explain it to others. Those material possesions all had a special meaning and certain memory connected with them. Losing all of those items breaks my heart. I cried for most of Friday after I found out...then I got pissed off and decided there was no way in hell someone would do some uncalled for shit like this to me without paying for it somehow.

And now, emotionally I'm feeling quite happy for many reasons. Oh, for one thing since having so much of my things throw out like that, I appreciate the small things in life much more. I am smiling much more now and trying to enjoy every single little moment of my life. People's kind words and deeds have meant so much to me lately. I'm really trying not to be sad over all of this. No matter how many tears I shed, it will never bring back my posessions... Seems kinda pointless to just sit and cry over it but then again, I must admit that when I am alone I really do want to just cry. It is the feeling of being completely helpless. It is knowing that nothing I have ever done to anyone in this lifetime could have made me deserve having something like this happen to me. I was the best tenant to my landlord. They never repaired shit when I called but did I complain? No, I just tried to be patient. They made so many false promises. And after all I had to deal with, this mother fucker is going to throw away my shit when there was no reason for him to at all? He didn't have the right to...every lawyer we have talked to has said this. My case against him is very very strong.

I am rambling as I always do in this journal. I'm sure you all get sick of just reading about me bitch about stuff but I really have no other place to do it. I have to get it out somehow.

okay, so what else is new...lol, let's see if anything good has happened to me recently...


I'm trying to let my guard down with someone a bit. I'm starting to think that he could be worth it and I need to take a chance every once in awhile. I could always just stay afraid and not let anyone in at all but if I did that, then I would probably never gain anything either. I can't let my fear of being hurt once again by someone keep me from moving forward anymore. I'm not saying that I am getting into a relationship right away or trying to force anything with him...I'm only spending more time with this certain person and getting to know him to perhaps see if potentially there could be more. Either way, I will have a new close friend which is always nice. So far spending time together has proven to be quite enjoyable :) I really like being around him. Hopefully friday will go well.

I'm going to a concert tonight with my friend, Chris aka legatic in Winston-Salem NC. We're going to see MC Chris "nerdcore hiphop". This will have to be interesting and a fun filled night. I can't wait to have this new experience :-p This is the dude from adult swim that is on tour right now. I definitely appreciate the free concert ticket seeing as I am really poor at the moment. Thanks for inviting me along Chris!

I have another recital to prepare for. I will accompany 2 trombonist (Nick and Matt) who are going to have a joint recital in April. It'll be great I'm sure. Recitals are fun ;-)

Speaking of recitals, mine went pretty well. It could have been better but I can't dwell on that because it is over now. I'm proud of myself for doing it since it wasn't not required of me at all. I had a nice feeling of accomplishment when it was over. I can't wait to perform another solo piano recital one day...it'll probably be when I'm a graduate student though.

I think my ride to winston salem is here. I'm off to enjoy my first "nerdcore hiphop" concert!
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