I Was Talking To Peachy Peach about Kissy Kiss

Nov 28, 2005 10:24

Jessica made me a big Eggnog shake and i love her to death for it. SHE EVEN PUT TURLES ON IT OHHH HOW I LOVE HER.

Brianna came over to talk to me too

"Jessicas my favorite ever -stares at Brianna- Shes the best Baskin Robbins Employee there ever was -still staring Brianna in the face-" lol

Briannas nuts. This made her angry so she threw a wet rag at jessica and it landed in ice cream. Oh jesus i love those girls.

In the process of cleaning the room. Decorated the house today. A few more prents I need to wrap then im set for two weeks.

My tree looks gorgeous. I must show you all soon.

Possily going to Andreas this comming weekend for i have no idea what... also possibly spening the night at kaylas. I'll take any excuse to hang out with her. I ♥ Kayla to death.

Mom had me play with a picture of my little Cozmo baby on Arc soft this is how that turned out:






anywho i must leave thee to thy business.
I promise ill start being normal and commenting a lot soon


&I still need some of your addresses for christmas card sending. IF you dont want one just be like 'no thanks, sexy'so i dont stress over it which im likely to do

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