Jan 27, 2006 20:28
I got a confermation email from UC today about defering...
I found it quite amusing that the entirety of the email was them saying "we will send you a confirmation of this confirmation in ten working days". I suppose they just want me to be very very sure.
Coffee with Gem was cool, despite the head waitress lady who appeared to hate us for not buying lunch and yet staying for ages. We sure showed her.
Also, I have a new number because it came with my phone - 0400448932. If you cant get me on my old number, try that instead.
Also also, if you're not busy this sunday at 3pm there's a rally on at cooronbong park to protest the new open cut Centennial Coal is trying to push through the gov't.
According to the Greenpeace rep "The proposed mine is within 800m of a primary school and 250m of residences. The proposal will also destroy critical habitat for a range of threatened species, not to mention the project's contribution to climate change. At least six state and federal listed threatened species are present in the proposal area: the site includes one of the last strongholds of Tetratheca juncea (Black-eyed Susan), there have been recent sightings of Tiger Quoll in the area, and there are several pairs of Masked Owls confirmed as breeding in the area. The diversion of several creeks has been proposed while the headwaters and key catchment of another creek has not received any mention at all so far. The project site represents one of the last tracts of relatively undisturbed bushland connecting the mountains to the lake in western Lake Macquarie. If this bushland is razed, a crucial native vegetation corridor will be lost forever in the interests of short term profits for coal companies."
All in all it's pretty shite so show up if you can.