so yesterday was the first day back at school after my 4 day "weekend" and yet, another 4 day weekend is coming! yay!! today so far has been pretty good.. besides a few bumps along the road. but john and i have been play fighting all afternoon, it's so cute i swear! but he just keeps laughing at me =( hehe.. he got hurt and i tried to help him,
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"silver slut" "whore" "dirty skank" etc etc...
you're only fueling the fire.
if you honestly wanted to see it end, you'd shut up with the shit talking yourself. you'd be surprised how many people have shit to say about you, but we've left you anonymous for now.
It's all fun and games until you get called out, isn't it?
* 'ur a skank ass no good.. suck anyones dick whore! You aren't even worth a buck... so go suck a mother fucking duck!' trying to steal non-sense rhymes again? get over this shit- its so stupid!
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