I've been back in Sinnoh for a week or so. Not doing much more than pottering around and avoiding Nino's phone calls about blankets - Ah, and I visited Jerry in Jubilife to apologise to him and the staff about what happened during the tour and to see into more drumming jobs with promises of no weird forgetful behaviour this time.
Oh Tomo-chan, happy birthday! I hope today is a good enough excuse for some free wine.
Me and Mrs.Mareep were gossiping about your streaking around shirtless habits so we decided to make you a birthday gift. Hopefully you'll like it. We even added red bits since that's your colour!
It might be hard to see in the picture but the arms and front are made with mesh so you can still feel a bit naked and show off your muscles. Unfortunately I never realised how expensive sequins are but after some searching I managed to find some on sale and I'll be adding them on now. I know how much you like sequins.
Lets meet up soon so you can try it on, I think it'll look really good on you. Have a great day!