
Jul 21, 2005 23:58

i havnt been able to sleep much in a long time...ever since 7/4/2005 to be exact..

and when i do fall dreams are nightmares that seem soo realy they haaunt me the next day.

The Egyptien god Anubis is still in my dreams...every dream i have he's in scares me my culture dreams fortell the future..and Anubis is the god that takes the dead to the underworld...

i miss u...u made me feel soo good, and so happy...u know who u are!!!

im torn with my descision of going home or not...i cant decide...i guess i want fate to decide for me...

i think id miss it here way to much..and id miss all the amazing friends ive made here that i know i will never forget

work sucks....its not making me enough money...and im barely able to afford rent and bills.....ill have a good 100 to my name by the end of the mo. and next mo. in screwed cuz theres no party's wich means no income withc means i need to find a job and ask my paretns for help and if i cant find one fast..then i dunno wut

i dont like thinking about it...

i got my venoms...they look really good...and its healing really well and really fast...Chef Massimo and Chef tito like the way it looks on me..

today the chef's and I drank after work...pulled back a few beers...ahh...nothing beats drinking with your boos'es..

did i mention i miss u??

"eloi eloi...lmana sabagh tanee" <~~aramaic
"oh lord oh lord, why have you forsaken me"

p.s. i can hear my roomie getting it on...and its really really really......really disturbing

the end forever
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