Jun 11, 2004 11:50

yasterday i came home to find a letter on my door saying that my roomate did not pay his rent this month, we have 3 days for him to pay it and then we get evicted and my credit is ruined. if he doesnt pay by monday, ill have to pay it and then ill have to sue him since we had a contract saying that i only pay $150/m....i dont wanna go threw all that trouble...but now that im moving to new york, i need ever penny i can save up for the mere fact that imma be working full time for 3 month and not getting paid.

i hung out with big J (jordan) yesterday..it was alot of fun, its good to see him.,....we talked about alot of interesting things and were laughing like crazy.

tomorrow i dont have work...first day in months...so im excited...i get to work on my car since last time david drove it he knocked the clutch loos again and now i need to fix it cuz i can barely drive with it this way.

im really worried about the rent...and it sucks that i dont have anyone to vent to...except for this stupid journal thingi...my paper journal is filled now...wrote my last entry yesterday...thats journal #5 now...i need to get a new one..

monday i start GM2...not excited.

ryan (hot guy from beggining of the year) talked to me today and gave me a smile to cheer me up since i was having a crappy morning..

i smoked last nite...too much..certasy of nikole and nick

imma up load pics on here now that i know how to...maybe thats wut ill do tonite...work on me car and me journal...

i had a dream about david C. and marcus last nite...it was really awkward..

with jordan i went to Sal's Pizzeria on peir 39...that was were julian and i had one of our last dates together...made me remember him and wounder how shit got this way...and then "sal's" reminded me of christos and sal...i had to leave that place cuz it was getting me too emo...so i left..and had to smoke...blah.

"sometimes i feel so worthless, and i wish that i, could be the king, then id know that i was not alone" Marylin Manson

The end forever
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