(OOC: mwaha, thanks Lee Ann and Kefka... you've got the inner demons all restless....)
why....... do you torment me .....?
Take over...... stop threatening to............ do it..........TAKE OVER........
We are still weak. We must feed more. You should already know that.
then why............
That man stirred us. There is something that you fear in him. Something that you hate.
no hatred..... no....... no.... no fear..........
We feed upon your anger... your hatred, your pain.... When others are driven to their moment of greatest strength in battle, you are driven to your greatest weakness. You fear that it will lead you to commit further transgressions. You fear the truth. You fear... that you are no different than him. That you are no different than us.
NO. i will not.... i willl not be driven to it.... i don't need you!
You need us. You will always need us. You will always need ME.
No. No, stopthis, stop, stopstopstop GIVEMESILENCE
By now, you should be accustomed to our ways. We have had years already to become acquainted.
i... am in control. i am............................ i am.........................
Do you really believe in such a fantasy?
silence... just give me.....
You must not forget the truth...
which truth ?
About us...
mad...... we a re ma d... aren't we? arewe????? are we.... unable to escapeoursins
We are forever within. That is the truth. You have an eternity to become accustomed to this. There is darkness... within us all. You also fear that this darkness will consume you completely.
will it?
All things are consumed in time.
........................................................... i must fight i will fight...... i do not understandwhybut i must........ and... i....must helpthem..... i must........... help them..... theywillbein.... place......figaro........... a losingbattle..... yet stillifighttheinevitable..... why ? WHY?WHY?
I am finished answering questions. But you should fight that futile fight. It will give us strength.
BUTif you takeover ..... you ultimately fight under MY will ...... you always have............... i still........... control.............. us..........
Believe what you wish. It will only make the agony ever deeper when you do face the truth. I can not wait to encounter this new... opponent. For now... keep staring into the darkness.