↑♀╭I-sTyLe時尚衣著 Spree updates
All updates would be done here. So do bookmark this page for reference ya? once i acknowledge ur payment, I'll post up ur orders together with the link. Any errors pls inform me ASAP before i send our orders to taiwan. :)
by the time u've reached this page, U MUST HAVE ALREADY DONE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING
(1) placed ur orders
(2) made ur payment with transaction reference
(3) double-checked all your orders
Confirmed orders posted
☆here☆ anything steps missing, proceed back to
☆here☆ to do the missing step :)
This page is solely for updates n u placing ur details as shown in sample. Do not worry coz all comments are screened in this page. i will delete ur comment IMMEDIATELY if the wrong format is given.
http://community.livejournal.com/_spreee/457566.html 08/06/06-
11 am- orders sent to I-style already! :) coz i dun wan to delay further. i know some of ur orders are not updated at the confirmed orders' page. this is bcoz i'm rushin out for the GSS and posting out of sophie stuffs! i will definitely update tonite ya?
I-style first invoice... 6 items posted wrongly [10/06/06]
I-style second invoice after calling them up this afternoon... IS WRONG too! so ermmmm.. eck! let's ermmm.. call them up tml again... 5 items wrong this time. *faint*
Right... I've finally got everything done after numerous overseas call. 3 items from our order list are OOS forever.
people involve:
albarosa109 打造性感女神˙【S00915】美背性感蕾絲垂鏈水滴寶石T (米黃350)
twistedironies 歐式奢華復古˙【T30055】雕網鏤空蝴蝶結雙層飄裙 (米黃380)
kelleann88 學院優雅知性【L88355】♀海軍風條紋珍珠肩帶蕾絲蝴蝶結背心(藍310)
I will transfer you the money back ASAP. I will call my fren up to make payment soon.
Orders finally done. Refunds made with transaction reference. IB nick: Sleeping_Al. 24/06/06
Made a call to my last nite to make payment. Update 2 sent :)
Seller acknowledged payment on 27th June. please count 3 weeks from now.
Overall discounts: 290
Total: 30 items
1250+ 100 (payment to taiwan fren) - 290= TWD 1060
one item is not included in this discount, but as stated in terms n condition, i'll use the overall discounts to deduct shipping. And yupz, after this spree, I'm awarded VIP grading for the next spree... so yupz... i MIGHT open spree 3 at mid-july! save up now!!!
Yupz ppl~ for those who can't read the Chinese in the email...
T13355 點點蝴蝶結復古公主袖兩件式上衣(灰藍310) 只剩下白色C21223 blurblurme, suxian (left wif white)
線櫻花緞帶蝴蝶結小包袖洋裝(現貨可可色400) 斷貨 katsterz, sivorskizz (OOS)
圖騰花樣刺繡細肩娃娃裝(桃橘粉色290) 只剩下米色~~不曉得您是否願意換款呢 xiaospoon (left wif cream)
so yupz, please tell me if u are willing to change colour or style. if u are changing style, please make sure u choose sth of exact value coz payment was done LONG ago and i m still chasing refunds from Spree 1. :)
I-style responded to the changes. Nw chasing stocks for the new stocks :)
一見鍾情的高雅【Y14010】玫瑰蕾絲車線銀釦韓版腰帶洋裝(米白色390) 1 件;
東京芭比風【G02655】蝴蝶結珍珠肩帶優雅針織衫( 粉280) 1 件;
I-sTyLe時尚名媛派對【A20555】玫瑰蕾絲小木排釦蝴蝶結韓版洋裝(海藍色400) 1 件;
夏日元氣裝扮【V01499】光透感櫻花荷葉立領長衫上衣(橘粉現貨340) 1 件;
甜美夏日【T13355】點點蝴蝶結復古公主袖兩件式上衣(白310) 1 件
so nw we hv to wait again. :) sorry for this delay bt u all shd know hw I-style work ya? :D
I've chased I-style about the stocks, and this is their response as of yesterday, 18/07/06
so yupz, we have about one week plus more to wait. trust me I've done all i can to REMIND them almost twice a wk that we still have orders with them.
I've sent yet another email to them. And i will probably call them again in the afternoon... bt as of this moment when i log on to the system to check our status (coz they send items out every Monday n Friday), our items are NOT sent yet!
不好意思美眉先前換貨的車線銀扣洋裝~~~目前已經沒有米白色~~另有卡色~橘紅還有藍色~~不曉得美眉是否願意換色或是直接更換其他商品呢?- received this earlier ystd, picked up the phone to scream....
sms-ed sivorskizz immediately about the change. and she's such a darling to answer almost immediately! so i called up i-style...
yupz, i screamed and screamed on the phone... and they promised to send out our items today. I even made them type out the things she said in black and white, so ta-da! we shd be getting our stuffs by latest next next wk! :D Cheers!
I've finally got the tracing number for our orders!
items arrived! 2 missing items.. (mine included!!! boo!!!)
anyway, missing items are:
Sleeping_Al: 優雅夏日香氣【X01865】彩繪玫瑰小木釦花邊長版背心(白300)
Princess12345: 神秘印度風【Y44788】圖騰花樣刺繡細肩娃娃裝(米色290)
So yupz, the rest of the items hv reached safely. I'll package them ASAP and send them out soon! for those who've topped up and emailed me, I've received ur money :)
right, I've packed most of the items, just a few more to wrap. For those whom i've wrapped with brown paper, I've actually wrapped an extra piece of paper to prevent it from tearing at the post office.
Items would be SENT THIS SATURDAY MORNING SO THAT ALL OF U CAN GET IT BY NEXT MONDAY. FOR THOSE WHO HAS YET TO GIF ME UR PARTICULARS, PLEASE DO SO, ELSE I M SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOING TO DELAY SENDING UR ITEMS. BOOOOOO~~~~~ if u'd forgotten whether u've leave ur comment or not, simply log in and come back to this site again, u'll SEE ur comment if u've posted, bt if not, IT JUST MEAN THAT U HADN'T!!!!!
Anyhow, thanks for participating in my spree! all refunds would be done accordingly by Sunday :)