As usual, it is the heart of finals season, and here I am using LJ for my todo lists. full of brillant ideas.
Due tomorrow:
> 500 word essay.
> Charcoal drawing.
> Copy, collate extra credit/makeup work
> Put everything in portfolio, dream of owning a car/being able to drive, wrap in trashbag, and go to class anyway.
Saturday, hopefully:
- sidsheet/background
- arrange LIGHTVIEWING TRIP for cfuders
Due "Thursday":
- 3 drypoint
- 1 stencil, 1 subtractive, 1 multilayer monotype
- 1 AP/3 impressions final
Due Monday
- 9 AM: everything due Thursday on T.S. desk
- 1 PM: final movement study.
Due Sometime Soon After That:
- computer matinence
- watch Homicide show with that awesome dude in it
- YULETIDE STORY (21rst nine pm est) /CFUD SECRET SANTA (23rd...sometime! probably before it is 12 am EST lest AJ eat my spleen.)
Things To Do Over The Holidays Sometime:
- Finish writing Murder By Death. No, seriously, we are getting this done if I have to set someone on fire.
- Also, buy tickets, email relatives, get hotel room.
- Buy nice porfolio. Arrange stuff. Figure out where national portfolio day is. Go to it. Be ready to be crushed like a ant.
- Icons.
- beat small child get first draft of video edit
- script/recruit/beat Frey's schedule get infernals game
- Arange birthday outing.