(no subject)

Jun 27, 2009 02:04


Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" (or you can just ask for the meme, I won't mind) and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you.

These words are from actualize!

1. FILM - >

...okay, so I don't hate all movies or TV, but I get kind of antsy! I'm easily squicked by embarrassing things and blood and guts and especially broken bones. And that first one can pop up a lot in TV and stuff, and it's harder to skip around and all that jazz. Plus, yes, I did live ten years of my life without a TV.

Which is why the idea of me ever going into something like film was a bloody laugh at one point in my life. And yet, I've made one, am making another one and I guess I make films or something, now. Making film to me, and thus, Good Film is about capturing the structure and the essence of a moment. Sometimes this moment is six months long: sometimes it's five minutes long.

(I'm still a ridiculously picky audience and a lazy fan. :x)

2. BADASS ->
There is nothing in life that cannot be saved by a little badass. Nothing. I defy you to find the thing that cannot be saved by it. Badass to me is the power to do something big and different and powerful. This doesn't always mean punching someone in the face. This is badass. So is this.

It's all in the attitude, really.

1. a bunch of nerds. 2. liable to rely on me to arrange things like the con hotel room 3. on eljay. (by and large)

1. I write my invites on eljay for important funtimes! 2. I write my schedule itself on eljay so folks know where I am at what time, etc.

If only this solved all my scheduling problems, this would be 200% worth the effort, but whatever. I can't have it all.

MAKE EVERYTHING BETTER?!? MUCH IN THE SAME WAY AS BADASS. (So do hot guys, but I was asked about the ladies.)

...here, have a couple of pictures that I like.

I judge people a lot by competence, the ability to get shit done, either to standard or above and beyond this. This includes me. I am frequently ashamed at my grade of competence on each day. :( But basically incompetent people piss me right the fuck off.

[eta:] 2009 anime summer list.

for my personal reference, first episoding:

Aoi Hana - the manga it's based on is fairly well done. Maaaybe.
Bakemonogatari - firsting it at least, because SHAFT does creepy? wtf.
CANAAN - okay, I admit it, I'm in it for the title, shut up.

...and, yeah, that's it. Maybe also Needless, but might be too gratuitous for me. Considering how huge my backlog is, this is no great shakes.

no really i'm bad at movies, anime slash manga, natter, meme

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