HERE IS A TRUTH. I am sort kind of incoherent, and tomorrow I should do a brief synopsis of all the shows I've first ep'd and what I read today. A lot of the shows will probably stick with me this season! Which is pretty amazing! But this was pretty much brought on by Eden of the East. Which the characters are designed by the lady who did Honey and Clover, a series I've pretty much irrationally hated for forever.
I fucking hate most forms of moe.
On the one hand, moe is cute. And even though my stance on cute has relaxed a lot over the years, because I used to be known as the girl who hated cute, and now that's not the case, I hate moe-cute. And I hated H&C as the epitome of moe-cute! And tonight, while watching Eden of the East (which has an amazing production team otherwise, which is what drew me in) I figured out why.
See, Eden of the East is amazing and pretty and sounds, once you get used to is, really amazing in some ways, because they have actual English natives in the background, and the main characters can do passable English, even! But! The main female character is basically...okay, I'm just gonna link
this. She is the epitome of everything I hate about this sort of design, which was all over H&C. She looks like the first china doll my grandmother maysherestinpeaceandnothitmetoohardwhenIgettotheGreatBeyond gave me. And I find that to be really disturbing. Because, oh man, she's got illustration chops. I love the way the rest of the characters are drawn. There are fat DC metro cops everywhere. And the guy, oh man, he's a delight. But it's like this:
1. Female illustrator--female protagonist.
2. Young adult--presumably, considering that she's drawn a couple characters who are in/getting out of college a few times she can at least somewhat identify with this time period in her life. If not outright imagine herself like that daily.
3. Doll-like features on a level I find to be pretty much charachiture-ish compared to the people around her--so, basically, looking less human then everyone else.
4. So far--not much else then helpless and pretty--compares main character to a prince! Maybe her prince has come! Gasp!
Maybe it's begin, maybe it's something the author finds nostalgic or cute, but in the case of East of Eden where there is only one character like that, I find it highly disturbing. If you can't imagine it, imagine if she looked like Barbie and everyone else around her looked real. Maybe it's what she finds most appropriate for her cultural standards! But fuck if this might not be the reason I stop watching an excellent show. Because I not only hate this sort of moe, but I find it really disturbing on pretty much a squick level.
In conclusion, :/