Never, ever. Ever. Evvvver. Okay. It took me about 20 minutes to get why that secret bothered me, but seriously. RPing abusive relationships could be seen as arguably normative making, and while making them IC is valid and all that, I'd like to promote healthy ones, ultimately. Take your activism elsewhere, kids. And no, not to fanfic.
Also, if you RP a skeevy relationship and do understand the difference and all that--hey, I've gone down that route myself--I think that's different, and tends to be talked about different occly then it does in that situation. I don't know, I'm still kind of sick and not with the logic, but that REALLY bothers me. ://
something to think about. I think anonmemes happen, but I do think there have been a bunch of sniping on them too, so I think I will edit my yultide fic instead and play Exalted.