(Fair warning: Those of you who dislike the whole Coming Out day thing can skip the part of this post under the cut. Just because I was too twitchy yesterday to do it doesn't mean this year is gettin' off that easily. Those of you who dislike seeing the whole Vote on CA Prop 8, may also feel free to give this sucker a skip.)
Yesterday was National Coming Out day. This is not the year you guys get to hear me tell my coming out story--I didn't have enough Cosmos in me at the end of the night to go forth and drunkenly voicepost it. But. Yesterday was also the day we did the final biiig premiere at the Metreon. And it was prettty niiicee. I got to finally see the results of the new edit--not very much, but I can't do much about that now--but we did add clips with Holy Old Man Bull and a few other clips (some of which, the lighting was dank, and I was "...guys. White balance. WHEEL UNDER THE LENS. DO YOU SPEAK IT, MOTHERFUCKER. but that was mostly internal) And I said too much at the panel, and then a couple of really determined idiots made me dance more then I was planning, but that's not the real point.
The real point is--I'm getting there, I swear-- that I had to hold my tears back when I saw the new dedication to Del Martin--may she rest in peace up in Heaven where she can laugh at all of us for being really silly--and the conversations I had after, at the screening.
Three of them were kids from somewhere in the WCCUSD. One of'em asked me what I suggested for DeAnza while we were doing Q&A: prayer, lots of it. Also, repetition along the lines of HOMOPHOBIA: STILL NOT FUNNY. DeAnza is perhaps my sole regret from being in ALT: we never got a chance to get a foot in the door when I was in ALT despite how much TAing there made me want to fix the place up, and now we do and I'm too old and this makes me so sad but I'm so glad SOMEONE is getting it together now. Which outweighs the sad by about a mile. A few guys asked me about what I said about the school climate changing: in my memory, distinctly, two guys had to go to homeschooling in my freshman year because they were just that harassed. Now, because of people like Jen Raider and my friends from the GSA and the GSAs of a lot of other high schools, the WCCUSD has one of the best taskforces in the area for dealing with LGBTQ issues. Which makes me so proud of how far it's gone, and what hand I've had in it, which is not as much as it could have been, but it's not nothing and that's what matters.
The adults were kind of funny--like the old cordinatior that now works at CPS, oh god he had some REALLY BAD STORIES--but there were a few of them that made me kind of embarsed. One of them was like "YOU SHOULD RUN FOR SENATOR 8D" and I was like "......sdglkjdslk no." Really nice compliment, but that's a little too public for my tastes. I think there's a rule that once you've RPd on the internet, you're not allowed. Kind of like cosplay. The other one was that Holy Old Man Bull came to the screening and I got to talk to him afterward. He called me a hero, guys. Which as;lddfd.sdfsdfd. Such a blushing moment. I don't really see myself as a REVOLUTIONARY1!1, I very reluctantly see myself as any sort of leader, mom nickname or no. I'm just one of those bitches with a wordy mouth and a tendency to talk to much. If that and a plate of cookies can conquer an empire of brick houses, then maybe they should check if the mortar on their foundations really set.
Also, I should really renew my contacts with folks. There's a round of lunches I need to do with them.
Now, on to that prop 8 thing.
This ad, the one with the little girl wanting to be a prince with the tag line "It's Already Happened", I thought was kind of cute in a vaugly insulting way at first--but then I watched it again and now it just makes me twitch because it's equating a kid's curiosity with the supposed moral degradation of a culture. Which. Stop that. I'd like to have the option to marries girls if it comes to that, I want my friends to get and stay married, and I don't want some little girl who may be a boy to get that same line of claptrap from their parent who is fearing that their child will be less of what they were. And it's not like sheltering your kids from the idea is better, because it's not. Just like STDs and teen pregnancy, willfully withholding important information is the stupidest thing one human being can do to another. But that's another issue entirely, isn't it?
Also, if you're in the area, you should swing by DVC--normally something I'd tell you not to do, but there's a interesting exhibit on viral culture in the art gallery, these little head things called "doofs". Kind of looks like Goofy if you took off the hat and left off the body. You can even draw your own doof in the visitor's book, or wander around the art buildings a bit--a lot of people have done viral doofing around there too. Kind of interesting to see.
And, a lot of people have uploaded new music to the inspirational post yesterday.
Check it out.