Oh LJ. I rather think
this sums up my ideas on the matter?
Anyway. I went and saw a advance screening of the Stardust movie last night.
I think Stardust is the Neil Gaiman book I don't like as much. I find it doesn't stand up to multiple rereading in the same way as, say, Neverwhere or Anazi Boys. At the same time, I liked it well enough when I read it the first time, as a fairy tale without too much softening from what I was beginning to appreciate what was the real difference between Disniyfication and the real deal. At the same time, I think Hollywood has to do Some Things to the movie to make it sell, even those those things are what sold it in the first place. Like, making the Wallmarket a village. And taking away Tristan's stepmother and half-sister. And mucking about with the ending. But they added some stuff I can live with, like Captain Shakespeare (who I mention here in a context with living with because while he was the most fucking fantastic man I've ever seen Robert DiNiro play, he was a walking stereotype if there ever was one) and really, really, making the star live for me, and being well done enough in general that I think it was kinda cool. Of course, now I want them to do American Gods and sans any sort of this twitching, but wishes, horses, &tc.
Saw Rufus Wrainright today and it was great even if the clarity of the sound was complete balls where we (I and
essandem, musical partner in crime) were sitting it was. A++ fabulous and fantastic as the energy was good and the humor and stage show were great. Also I wish everyone at the show wasn't wearing so many goddamn scented products because it made waiting kind of unbearable because of allergies until we ducked outside.
Also the song on this post was a free CD I picked up when I was walking around Berkeley with
teleute12 and
katmaxwell and
faoiltiamatani on Wendsday which was really fun! I like meeting random strangers off the internet. We went to Comic Relief and Telegraph together once we were all not lost and had a good time learning that porn was not made for ceramics and other such bits of knowledge. And this CD does not suck. Excellent.
I shall go to bed far too late now and wake up too early, but I think I shall still be happy about my last few days as they were really good last few days.