Happy belated Mothers Day to all moms on my flist. Y'all do something really awesome. Seriously. Keep on trucking. And happy birthday to you,
blasthatpuppy. Congratulations on surviving another year.
Pilots got canceled again today because they wanted to fingerprint us at the last minute. Being moved to a saner school after Fanime thank you, any related Divine Providences. Planned the new summer training today instead, and got a schedule that I really hope can fly, because it sings with awesome. In other life related news, there's now a baby downstairs. I really should get better headphones.
I like the direction of Darker then Black. Immensely. Also Kotesu Sangokushi.( Shinsen, catch your ass up to RxJ or drop the damn thing or I'll just download the dubious Umai subs.) And the end of Mushishi was cute. Eternal friendship gets me all teary eyed. On a semi related note, must twitch new
layout colors to something more pleasing. Perhaps tomorrow. It is my way to make up for the way they've delayed the manga.
I have a pokemon game and a borrowed DS (loev u
dracoxk). Friend's code 0129 8471 5305, and I think I called myself Sonken because I couldn't decide on what name scheme I wanted, so I went with most recent obsession. Give me yours? I also have CvS Card Clash, but not enough brain power to figure it out right this second, which may say it all.
...oh hey, no graphic novels class tomorrow. I shall sleep gloriously.