So I've been in my house for 90% of my time for at least three days straight. Sick. Hacking. Mostly that's gone away, but wine + coffee at dinner may have been a bad idea on the go to sleep early front. What can I say, the waiter's tie convinced me.
Anyway! So, I was in Bed, Bath and Beyond, looking for my entirely-practical Winternmas things for my Mum when I found the dorky 40 year old man using the gloves and the Everlast thing. It amused me enough to voicepost, so yeah. Also of note was the 80's music mix (I loved all the songs I read up to before I put it back in a fit of nostalgia), the iTunes regulated masage cusion for thy rear (wtf), the stuffed animals and pillows for your iPod (wtf wtf ), hell, the sheer amount of iTunesy things (wtf wtf wtf).
Every year, this process makes me feel old and greasy. Not in the theoreticaly-fangirlable way (SEE: S.Snape, movie!Howl, Iago), but in the Scrooge McDuck sense.Come to find my mother wants my email list on her desk on Monday morning, leaving me with the silly task at two AM to compiling the damn thing. So, so far the item of SHEER LAZY goes to the
DS stand! I also discovered
Free Bento, which has an
eclectic display, to say the least, but eh. This part always makes me feel nervy and unclean. But I can't kick the habit. Gah.
Also, in FXII, the cockatrices have a cockney acent why? Why, Square Enix.