Apr 30, 2006 21:39
REMINDER GOES HERE: CALL SHANDA WHEN YOU GET UP TOMORROW, YOU SILLY GEL. Or hell, after you're done posting this bit will do, but daylight to find the cell might be required. Anyway. My Chinese food is done, the first beer is half all gone, ("If any day was a day for beer, today would be the day, really.") and the night is three hours on with it's bad self or something.
Yesterday was kind of productive--I have the start of a flash file for the website. Mitch, in the name of ditching housework and good causes, kindly came over to my house, didn't remark on the state of clean (like he had room to talk, my living room at least has carpet visible, but i'm joking and digressing) and modeled me a bottle in Lightwave. Squee. Today's progress was halted by the Sunday allergy attack. I swear, I could set my clock by these things. "Op, allergy attack and sunny. Must be Sunday!" Did make some progress on the Gaia shop ideas, but the ideas for the wishlists and the bumps, they don't want to come...Did start making those good luck charms because I made a nice sketch up in Flash. (What'dya think guys, think we can sell'em? ^_^;) No more progress on the dragon--kinda hit a mental roadblock there, one that I think's going to last all week. Two presentation/meeting days in an row, le sigh. Gotta pay for summer classes, double sigh. Also got to pay for Exalted second ed, damn your eyes Brian. Damn them.
Feels like summer already. Also feels like the bay area is turning into a hurricane spot. Maybe I should move before they start hitting.
So, friends list. How are you doing, despite my mildly intoxicated ramblings?
dear so and so,
shooting myself in the foot,
something like flying,
creative process,
ought ni san