One: This is the start of something grand

Sep 17, 2007 18:19

Things I've learned about myself as of late:

I am a much better writer than I give myself credit for.
I sleep too much [maybe not]
I care too much about what people think of me
The way I look on the outside seriously affects my mood
Wearing gloves makes working in the meat locker that is Starbucks a much easier task
I love dangly earrings
I cannot sew
I will probably be single forever
I much prefer to hang out with boys than girls
I am like a magnet for 17 year old punk rockers... oh, I'm going to prison
I write fanfic because I'm afraid of character development
I'd be a much better guitarist if I would just fucking practice
I need more shoes and a new pair of jeans
Tequila is my bestie
I look way cute in patterns
I make an excellent Audrey Hepburn
I need to marry an old, rich guy so I can afford all the designers I currently can only drool over
Sometimes I'm shallow enough to be embarassed of myself
My cat is a better friend than most people I know
I still miss Chicago, but I finally consider North Carolina home
I spend way too much time on LiveJournal

So this is me, I'm Jessie, I'm 21, I'm mildly insane. But I'm pretty, so it all works out.

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