le sigh

Jan 20, 2008 18:49

Oh yes, I'm about to bitch about stuff. Cut to avoid huge spammage.

This is me, officially and on the record, bemoaning what frankxgerard has become. The quality, you guys, the qualityyyy. I mean, seriously, fxg was the first slash community I ever got really into, and while Patrick/Peter was my so-called gateway drug, Gerard/Frank is my official OTP. And I loveloveLOVED that community with all of my little, misshapen heart. But, honestly. Every post is like [insert bad title here], (32/?) Thirtytwo? Really?

All I'm saying is, high school has been done, vampires have been done, Gerard relapsing has been done. So if you're going to do it again, do it well.

And yes, there is still the wonderful oneshot being tossed up occasionally, and sometimes an infrequently updated story gains a new chapter and I can be excited about it. But mostly, I just avoid the place like the plague. And my two favorite G/F WiPs have been MIA for over two months now, and I am tres miserable.

I don't know. Maybe I'm a whiny twat with no room to talk about badly-written stories.

I just wanted to get it off my chest.
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