Okay, so. I spent a good deal of time hating all things Twilight, including its fans. Then the ex made me watch it with him (and I still thought it sucked), and then go see New Moon when it came out (which was marginally better), and THEN sister borrowed the first book from her friend and told me the book was way better than the movie, and NOW I AM HOOKED. I read all four books in just under five days, and I am about to reread all four books. And this is what I want:
A Jacob/Renesmee sequel. I want their story as Renesmee gets older, I want to see how Jacob decides to deal with the fact that she is immortal. Will he stay immortal, or eventually will he stop phasing and let go? Do they have children? Can they have children? What kind of crazy mutant spawn will they create? How amazing would it be if their babies were entirely human but still had some sort of psychic gift, seriously. Or would they be immortal vampire/shapeshifter hybrids, holy cow the Volturi would flip!
More on Alice and Jasper. Alice is by far my favorite character, and Jasper's backstory is AAAAMAZINGGG. I want the pre-undead!Alice story, who was she, who was her family, what were her visions like as a human that caused her to be institutionalized, what did she do to make James want to kill her, who was the vampire that changed her oh man. And Jasper, Jasper, Jasper, you sweet, beautiful thing. I want more on his pre-Cullen life. What was it like living in the southern wars? Give me graphic details on the fights, the newborns, the humans who were alive at that time and their struggles to survive. Oh goodness.
More Esme! I love Esme and her way of loving everyone, taking in the lost souls and giving them homes.
Future stories! Where do the Cullens go after Forks? Does Bella ever become a better liar? Do they keep in touch with Charlie? What do they tell Renee? What about the Quileute? After the Cullens leave, do they stop phasing? Or do the existing shapeshifters continue as they are but the cycle is broken? Does Leah ever imprint, or is that a boys-only club, and then what does she do? Does she stay with Jacob as his "beta" or go back to Sam's pack?
And of course I need Edward/Bella domestic stuff. How they adjust as Renesmee gets older, what their daily life entails, etc. Loooove. I was totally team Jacob literally until the moment he imprinted and I understood the whole PLAN and then I defected and I can't get enough Edward now. Jeeeeez I'm nutty.
Seriously, I can't believe I'm this stuck on the whole thing. I'm a little sad and a little desperate for sequels. I suppose I should take all this up with Stephenie Meyer, if only I could. Anyhow, now that that's all off my chest, I'm going to go hunt down Twilight fic. Lawlz.