Yay for birthdays! And also, happy birthday
sophia_fred! Hope it was a good 'un. Photo warning and also RAMBLE warning.
Mine went pretty well after all, despite a large amount of wibbling over things like hall tickets selling out and whether anyone would actually turn up. Hall was good on the day (no green-gunk-with things-floating-in-it served ice cold in wine glasses, ech) and everyone managed to get in, even Helena, who arrived just as grace was being said. Everyone did the whole eating/drinking/trying not to laugh at the absurdly long latin grace and Chris (
smowton) got pennied to oblivion. Literally.
Engineer Chris made me drink more wine than was possibly strictly wise. I managed to pass some of it off on to the already fairly sozzled
smowton but alas! There was much more. Grr! Fortunately my stomach made a heroic effort to contain its nausea and I felt fine again after a bit. Fine enough to go on to the John's bar at any rate. :)
The bar was also much fun. I eventually remembered that I was supposed to phone the people who were chewed up in the "hall selling out of tickets" debacle and then everyone was there with alcohol. The arrival of the Churchillians was slightly surreal.
. There was also a random philsopher called David there, who was somehow connected to Churchill Gen. I think I may have weirded him out in my drunkenness. Hmm.
Finally everyone who was left (and who could be bothered) ended up in my room for cake. A couple of engineers (James & Chris) made it but soon fell by the wayside when confronted with my actual friends. I suppose engineers are just too normal in a way. :) Well, most of them anyway. All in all, it was a very fun birthday and it totally kicked ze ass of my birthday celebrations last year as all that happened then was I went to orchestra, Mum sent a cake in secretly and I got horribly embarassed but recovered slightly with a piece of said cake. Fun.
The day of my actual birthday (hall doesn't happen on Saturday's so strictly I was celebrating my last day of teenager-dom on the Friday) wasn't quite so fun. I had some ghastly stomach bug (possibly from cake but hey, it was gorgeous cake while I was eating it so it's forgiven) so I ended up sleeping for about 2 hours. It continued into the day (damn bug!) and so my parents had to deal with a much more distracted and spacey me than usual. They seemed to cope ok though. Mum certainly didn't feel any qualms about dragging me off round the shops on the HOPELESS quest for some size 8 knee high boots that fit me. But The Castle does very nice steak and ale pies, so I think Dad was happy even if he didn't manage to persuade Mum that she should drive back. It was an Adnams brewery pub y'see. My Dad's quite partial to the odd pint of Adnams. They eventually left at about 7, after giving me yet more cake (a very nice Winnie the Pooh raspberry jam sponge concoction) and I collapsed for an hour to SLEEP.
Only to be woken by
epa101 who was being lovely and wishing me a happy birthday. After chatting for a bit I finally mustered enough energy for gigging down at the Man on the Moon in time to catch Disarm and Belisha. Disarm were definitely good rockin' stuff. I found the songs quite similar but they were a good band just to rock out to. Belisha were great, a lot less techno-ey goth-y than expected and much more rawk. They also had a bit of the stuck in a rut style thing going on but it was less noticeable and I enjoyed them more than Disarm. I think I liked the last song best, although it had the worst name. Summat to do with a ball of string? But it made much more use of indiviual instruments and there was a lovely guitar line in there. Overall it was a cool night and I saw quite a few RockSoc peeps there that I'd missed through not making the club nights and pub meets. I also ran into the Fitz lot. They're everywhere! Seriously. They're even going to be at
Whole Lotta Led next Sunday, like you should be. It's gonna be ace!
But yeah, the rest of the weekend is summed up thus:
Slept in till 5p.m.
smowton returned from his brief sojourn in Center Parks
MSN happened
I got no work done
*sigh* Now all that's over I still have my Gas Engine lab report to write, not to mention 2 examples papers to fudge by 7p.m. Tuesday. Hmm. But we're not there yet so we'll see how it goes.