(no subject)

Oct 29, 2010 01:13

NaNoWriMo: Should I do it, yes or no?

I'm currently thinking no as I don't even seem to have time to LJ post, let alone write 50,000 words. Maybe next year.

I started writing an epic post about my holiday in Scotland with the lovely mansunite but I haven't had time to finish it. It may go up next week.

In short, we saw lots of beautiful mountains and tasted many different whiskies, along with visiting strigidae and hetfields_beard in Edinburgh and Glasgow respectively. All I know is that we really need to go back to revisit the AWESOME.

Also I saw Derby beat Doncaster 3-2 (that was a fun couple of days at work... not), but then they turned it around and beat Sheff U 2-0 (probably as I didn't go and watch it). :)

Anyway, work is sleep inducing atm. I have finally got round to watching the LoveFilm DVDs I've had sat here for nearly 3 weeks, which I will attempt to review without spoiling anything:

* There Will Be Blood: Brilliant film. The last scene (in the bowling alley) is hilarious and my favourite bit. Daniel Day Lewis' character was sometimes very hard for me to watch (for the same reason as I can't watch The Office) and the music really got on my nerves at times. It's very 20th century and thus can be very discordant; I know that's the effect that's wanted but it doesn't mean I have to like it.
* Mongol: Very good, a bit depressing in the first half as the young Genghis Khan has a massive mountain to climb just to survive, but that's Mongolia for you. I look forward to the sequel when it's out.
* Ice Age: Entertaining but I wouldn't say it lived up to all the hype I've heard about it. I found the scene with the dodos entirely unnecessary and very annoying, along with the character stereotyping. The best character is definitely the squirrel.

Still to watch:

* Bubblegum Crisis (disc 3)

Discs 1 & 2 were great, love the soundtrack and the style. I tend to be annoyed generally by series that are about a team but put the importance on one character way above the rest (of which this is one) but apart from that am loving it. I mean, if that character can defeat the bad guys by themselves, why on earth are they in a team? Also, I usually feel more affinity with one of the quieter team members that never gets as much glory/limelight, which is also annoying.

Previously of note on LoveFilm:

* Elfenlied: Really love this series, want them to make more NOOOOOWWWWW!!! Damn things that have a slightly open ending. This is well worth watching anyways, although not if you're squeamish.
* Red Cliff: One of the most epic films ever, and I didn't even watch the epic-est special edition too epic for Western cinema full out epic version. In China, this was actually released as two separate films, over 4 hours in total, whereas the Western version is a mere 2.5 hours long - to play.com!

I really am pleased with my decision to join lovefilm (speaking of, I can give free 30 day trials to people if they want one, just let me know). Even if I'm not getting the highest value per DVD from it as every so often I have a few weeks of not watching anything, it forces me to watch films that I've always wanted to but never got off my arse and done anything about. Also I can't get sucked in for hours on end like if I'd got a TV license, score! Now I just need to stop getting distracted by the net...

scotland, holiday, film, rovers

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