Went to careers fairs yesterday and today. Every single bit of job propaganda has the statement, "Minimum requirement: 2:1" written on it somewhere. Gah. *buries self in duvet* One supersized injection of luck virus and a bucketload each of self confidence and charisma to go please kthxbai.
I'm not even that miserable anymore, just incredibly resigned and bitter about the whole thing. Everything rests on getting to an interview stage where all I have to do is make myself seem like the most amazing candidate in the world. Unfortunately I've only ever passed two job interviews in my life out of about twenty, those being the ones to get my summer placement at Interfleet. On the plus side, if I write that up really well on my CV and wave my fantastic reference from the Maintenance Dept managers around like a mad thing, I might get somewhere. A guy from a transportation department at one of the companies I talked to completely lit up when I mentioned I'd worked at Interfleet over the summer. So that's a small glimmer of hope. :)
In better news, CURAS pubmeet tonight at the Red Bull from 8 if I can summon the energy and will to have a shower and leave the house. In much, much better news,
mansunite is seriously awesome and has made me the best wrist-cuff in existance. FACT. *is so lucky*