
Jun 28, 2007 17:20

It's strange when you've watched someone on TV for so long, admired them, respsected them, heard nothing but good about them and then they turn out completely different to what you expect them to be. Bear with me here, it's quite a long story. You'll know it if you've been in the NFans RIP thread.

Chris Benoit (a wrestler), his wife and seven year old son were found dead in their home on Monday. He was one of my favourites and it was horrible and shocking and watching the tribute show was really upsetting for me. Then the next day, I find out police believed it to be a double murder and suicide. I didn't want it to be true but eventually the facts came out.

On Friday, Chris Benoit went back home citing a family emergency. At some time on Friday, when he got home, he bound and gagged Nancy (his wife) and strangled her with extention chord. He'd obviously hurt her as well as there was pool of blood under her head. Police found her, still tied up with a bible next to her.

On Saturday, he went into his seven year old little boy's bedroom (his boy has some disibilities including dwarfism so he was the size of a five year old, I believe) and murdered him by putting him in a wrestling choke hold. Bear in mind, Benoit was a body builder.

He then sent some texts saying where his address was and that his dogs were loose in the grounds, made a couple of calm phone calls lying that Daniel and Nancy were throwing up blood and that he would miss the show on Sunday and then sometime Saturday night or Sunday morning, he hung himself on a weights machine in his private gym.

They are blaming steroids and roid rage because they found a lot of them in his house but I don't buy it. Roid rage is very quick and very violent, it doesn't last for two minutes usually. This was methodical and done over a whole weekend.

I can't believe someone you can look up to and respect as I did Chris Benoit would do something like that. His little boy adored him and wanted to be just like his dad. I saw him in the ring with him when Benoit won the title and he ran up to his dad to give him a hug and a kiss and the other wrestlers tearfully said that he would imitate his dad when he did his exercises (when Chris took him to shows) because he wanted to make him proud. And he fucking grabs a defenceless little child and kills him with a fucking wrestling move, a fucking choke hold.

I admired him, respected him, loved watching his matches, enjoyed his performances and now I'm just thinking "fuck you Chris!". To do what he did to a woman who loved him and stood by him even when, by all accounts, he flew into violent rages at her and to do what he did to his child...I can't join a lot of the people who can't dislike him because he was great at his job.

I don't think I'm wrong to think "fuck you Chris".
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