Feb 11, 2007 17:49
First post of the year, I didn't know I'd gotten this slack!
I would talk about my Xmas and new year but it might be too far away to interest! Suffice to say, it was a good family Xmas. Had that, my Grandad's 83rd birthday and I saw all of my mum's side of the family. I went round my Auntie's house to see them all, got completely drunk on whiskey and beer and can't remember the drive home at all. Its a complete blank, one minute I was in the bathroom there and the next I was in my bed at home three hours later. First time I've ever actually blacked out part of the night, probably because I didn't eat.
Back at Mothercare until the end of Feb at least. Not sure I'll go for longer than that because I found out about a Southend drama society (which is welcoming of new members) which teaches acting, directing, writing, stage management and pretty much everything related. That would be really cool. I've been talking about doing this stuff for ages and its time to act now. I went to Bristol to see my cousins and their gfs and a chat with them got me realising this. Talking a good talk while I sit at home or sit in the pub all day, every day doesn't get success and it just makes me an outcast basically. I do go out with my dad and our mates once or twice a week but I need to get out the house more. Its really not healthy, the way I've been living. My new year's resolution was to be more pro-active and I'm sticking to it. There's never been anything wrong with me except a lack of motivation and a case of being a dreamer.
I contacted a theatre about getting a volunteer job there but haven't got anything back.
I know this might sound daft but I started practicing facial expressions in the mirror the other day. Imagining characters and how they'd react to things and stuff. I know I'd have to start right at the beginning with this if they let me in but I want to show inititive.
Now, if Spurs could act out a halfway competent football team, I'd be happy!