Poll: Select the prompt for my next fic!

May 23, 2013 17:52

Well, I’ve finished and posted the last chapter of my current fic. I think I have one more chaptered fic in me before I call it quits. I hope not but this last fic has dragged on for so long because I just don’t have the time to devote to writing as I once did. Work is insanely hectic and I’ve also been commissioned to write a script that may or may not turn into something-we’ll see.

Anyway, I will keep posting one-shots and Fun Fic Friday shorts and should be completing the ongoing series I have over there too.

I have many ideas for another LuRe but since I know I won’t get to write them all, I want to write one that will hopefully be interesting to you all. If you’d like to help me select the prompt for my possibly-last chaptered fic, please vote below. I can’t promise that it’ll be written soon but it will be written. I hope to complete the whole fic before posting because I hate that I was posting one chapter a month or so for this last story I wrote-that’s not to fair to y’all.

I know many people have moved on but if you’re still sticking around for a bit longer and wish to let me know what you’d be interested in reading, here’s your chance:

Prompt 1 - The Big Bang that didn’t happen (the BB fic I was supposed to write last year)

A mixture of canon and AU: Immediately after Luke tells Reid that his foundation will fund the neurology wing, Luke and Reid witness a mob murder in Memorial Hospital's parking lot. They barely escape, but until the killers are found and brought to trial, Luke and Reid are temporarily placed in the Witness Security Program. They are instructed to act as brothers while living together in a small town, which isn't easy for either of them as they still don't like each other very much. Also, Luke doesn't want to leave a blind Noah behind, while Reid hates not being able to perform his life-saving miracles at Memorial. Though both begin to tolerate each other as they grow closer, mysterious townspeople, ruthless mobsters, and Noah soon threaten Luke and Reid's new relationship.

Prompt 2 - Ghost Reid

Posted here.
I'm thinking of a fic where Reid comes back as a ghost and spends time with Luke, helping him, guiding him and snarking with him, of course. Luke would see him, and after the initial shock, he'd accept Reid back into his life even if Reid isn't the same as before (you know, undead). In the end, this could be what they both need to move on after the tragedy: Luke slowly letting go of Reid with Reid leaving for good after seeing/knowing that Luke will be okay without him--preferably no Luke/OC as it's still too soon.

The fic could be angsty, sad (but not too sad), funny, silly (kind of like when Ghost!Brad appeared to Henry), and everything or anything in between. I will try to deliver a happy ending if I can.

Prompt 3 - Love and Other Drugs - the LuRe version

Posted here
Inspired by and loosely based on the Jake Gyllenhaal/Anne Hathaway film. Luke, after refusing to return to college and work for his parents and grandmother, decides to become a pharmaceutical sales rep, and one of his main assignments is to get Dr. Reid Oliver to prescribe new meds. Reid wants nothing to do with what Luke’s selling, but Luke won’t give up, determined to prove to his family that he can do something with his life.

Prompt 4 - Yet another kidney fic

Hinted at in this fic
A few years into the future, Luke needs a new kidney, and Noah is a match, having tested himself when he and Luke were dating. He promised to give it to Luke whenever he needed it. Will Luke ask him for it? Will Reid let Luke ask Noah? Will Noah return to Oakdale and follow through on his promise?

Prompt 5 - While You Were Sleeping - the LuRe version

Posted here by jassanja. I recently watched this film and Lucy is so like Reid (well, except maybe not so nice). But I love this idea and have already planned out the entire fic in my head.

Poll My Next LuRe Story

public post, lure, prompt, poll, writing, atwt

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