FIC: On Second Thought (15/37)

Mar 12, 2011 19:23

A Luke/Reid fic in which Noah is in trouble. (As the World Turns, PG-13)

Title: On Second Thought (15/37)
Author: sleeper6
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Luke/Reid, Noah, Ruth
Summary: Noah is blind again and needs Luke in L.A. What will Luke and Reid do?
Disclaimer: All belongs to As the World Turns, not me.
Warning: Will contain angst so read only if you don’t mind that.

Previous: HERE

“What’s going on between you and Luke?”

Noah sat across from his aunt at the table in his apartment as they ate breakfast. She’d arrived only minutes before with a bag of croissants and bagels and insisted that he eat even though Noah initially declined. Noah liked having his aunt around. He’d never known his mother and the only woman who’d ever been close enough to one-Lily Snyder-was no longer part of his life. But Ruth liked fussing over him and Noah liked it too.

“We’re friends.”

“You were more than that the last time you wrote me. You said he was your whole life,” Ruth said.

Noah smiled. “Right, and that was almost two years ago. Things changed, obviously. He’s with Reid now.”

Ruth nodded thoughtfully. “Luke and Dr. Oliver-what is that about?”

“What do you mean?”

“How did that happen, exactly? They’re not really each other’s types, are they?”

Noah shrugged as he chewed the last bit of bagel. “I guess. I mean, I thought so too at first.”

“You don’t think Luke went with him just to spite you for rejecting him?” Ruth asked curiously.

“No, of course not,” Noah said firmly. “Luke is not like that. He and I-we had problems even before Reid came to town, and a lot of it was my fault. I’ll admit to that now. I pushed him away and didn’t appreciate him like I should’ve, like he deserved.” Noah sighed. “But that’s all in the past.”

“All problems can be worked out between two people if they really love each other,” Ruth stated.

“Well, then, I guess our love for one another ran out because we weren’t ever going to get back what we had before my accident and before Reid.”

“I don’t buy that,” Ruth said. “I think you still care deeply for him, and he cares for you too.”

“Yes, I still love him and he loves me but it’s not the same kind of love that we once had, or the kind of love that Luke has for Reid.”

Ruth tossed the piece of bagel onto her plate and wiped her hands clean. “Let me ask you something, Noah. If Reid wasn’t in the picture, do you think you and Luke would be together?”

Noah fidgeted in his chair. “I-I don’t know.”

“If Reid hadn’t been around after you got your sight back last year, would Luke have returned to you when you asked him to?”

“Maybe? I don’t know. I really hurt him and-”

“-and yet he flew a thousand miles to come to you when he asked you to, even if he is with Reid. Doesn’t that tell you something?”

“That he cares?”

“Or that he’s still in love with you.”

Noah shook his head. “I don’t think so.”

“Do you want him back, Noah?” Ruth asked loudly.

Noah ran a hand through his hair. “I thought that I did when he arrived here but I quickly realized that he’s no longer my Luke.” He absentmindedly scratched the tabletop. “No, I don’t want him back.”

“I don’t believe you,” Ruth replied. She reached out and touched Noah’s hand. “I think you’re scared of trying again.”

Noah pulled his hand away. “No, it’s-”

Ruth interrupted. “You deserve to be happy just as much as Luke does. And you two have something special that frankly I don’t see in Luke and his doctor. And I don’t think you should give him up so easily.”

“He gave me up!”

“Because you let him, Noah. But that’s okay. I can help you get him back,” Ruth said.

Noah remained silent.

“Okay, I get that you’re not sure but it can’t hurt to try, right? Just get close to him again. See if there is still anything there. You have to get Luke to see who you are again and maybe help him realize that not all is lost with you two.”

"I don't know about that."

“Your mother would want you to be happy,” Ruth said soothingly as she touched Noah’s hand again. “She had a horrible life thanks to your asshole of a father but you should have the life-and love-that she never had. Do it for her.”

Noah played with his fingers.

"I know the doctor can’t make it easy, but I’ll help with that, don’t you worry. That's why I'm here."

“Do you really have to go?”

Reid nodded. “I got the dates mixed up. I thought it wasn’t until next week, but I have to sit in on it. It’s part of my job, Luke.”

Luke sighed as he stood behind Reid, who was fixing his tie in front of the mirror. Luke normally didn’t mind when Reid worked (and he worked a lot), but since arriving in Los Angeles, Reid was always at the hospital. In fact, if Luke and Reid weren’t at the hospital, they were in their hotel room, and if they weren’t in their hotel room, they were at the hospital. But now that Noah’s Aunt Ruth had arrived, it was Reid who went to the hospital while Luke stayed in the hotel suite alone. And Luke didn’t like being alone.

That Wednesday, which was their last day in L.A., Luke and Reid had made plans to sightsee. But then Dr. Stewart called Reid all the way from Oakdale to remind Reid of a teleconference that he, as Memorial’s Chief of Staff, had to participate in so the touring plans were postponed until later.

“I know it’s your job; I just miss you when you’re not here. And I really wanted to go check out celebrity homes and take pictures of the Hollywood Walk of Fame and all that stuff,” Luke explained. “I also need material for one of the chapters in our book. I want to name it ‘Reid Oliver Does L.A.’”

“Who’d want to read about me visiting Brangelina’s house when they can read about me diagnosing a blind patient’s rare condition and preparing an innovative treatment that will restore his eyesight and give him back his life?” Reid turned around to face Luke. “You know, what I’ve been doing since I got here.”

“Reid, don’t be a jerk. I just wanted us to have some fun.”

Reid glanced at his watch. “I’ll try to end it quickly and then we’ll do something together, okay?”

Luke looked skeptically at him.

“Why don’t you go on one of those guided tours in the meantime?”

“I don’t want to go by myself,” Luke whined.

“Then call up your best friends and invite them along,” Reid said dryly.


“Noah and Ruth-you had a great time with them at dinner last night.”

“Reid, I explained that already. They had dinner when I got there and Noah was okay so I just sat down for a quick bite but then Ruth-you know how much she talks-kept asking me questions and I honestly lost track of time.”

Luke had kept Reid waiting in their room with the pasta that he’d ordered for both of them. When Luke arrived, Reid had eaten it all and listened halfheartedly as Luke apologized and explained his tardiness. Reid then dismissed the whole thing with a wave of his hand and told Luke to “forget about it.”

“And remember,” Luke continued, “you encouraged me to go. I didn’t want to but you said I should.”

That was true, so Reid said nothing.

“But I’ll wait for you. I-” Luke was interrupted by his ringing phone. He read the name on the screen and looked at Reid. “It’s Ruth.”

“Speaking of the devil,” Reid muttered.

Luke answered it. “Hi, Ruth. Oh, really? No, we can’t. Reid’s heading to the hospital right now and . . . me? No, that’s okay. I need to pack for tomorrow. I’ll be busy all day. Thanks, though. Bye.”

Reid raised an eyebrow.

“She invited me for lunch,” Luke said, a slight blush of embarrassment coloring his cheeks.

“You don’t want to go?”

“No!” He shook his head and smiled at Reid. “I’m going to wait for you.”

Reid smiled gratefully at Luke. He leaned in and kissed him. “I’ll try to be quick.”

Reid walked to the door when his phone buzzed with a new message.

Tell Luke to come to lunch with me and Noah. It’ll be good for him. And you. Ruth.

Reid knew what she meant. He turned back to face Luke. “Luke?”

“Hmm?” asked Luke, his hands in his jean pockets.

“You should go to lunch with them.”

“Are you serious?” asked an incredulous Luke.

“Yeah, I am.”


“It’s just lunch.”

Luke walked closer to Reid. “Reid, what’s going on? You don’t like me being around Noah and now you’re pushing me to hang out with him. You didn’t like me eating dinner with him and his aunt and now you’re forcing me to have lunch with them. And you seem to be okay with me going now but I know you’ll hate me when I come back later.” Luke shook his head. “I’m not going through all that again.”

Reid sighed. “You’re the one who’s whining about being alone all day. I just thought you could use some company.” He hated pushing Luke like this but he didn’t have any other choice for now.

“I wasn’t whining.”

“Fine, suit yourself. I’ll see you later,” Reid said as he walked out. If Luke didn’t want to go, Reid wasn’t going to force him, no matter what sweet Aunt Ruth wanted. Reid would just have to deal with her later.

Fortunately, for Reid, Luke picked up the phone and called Ruth back.

It was after nine that night when Luke arrived at the hotel with a two large bags of souvenirs. Reid was packing for the trip back home the next morning. He barely glanced up as Luke slowly walked in.

“You’re here,” Luke said. “I texted you earlier about meeting us when you were done but you didn’t answer.”

“I got it, but I was busy.”

“And I called you to see if you wanted to go get dinner. Did-did you get my message?”

Reid nodded as he zipped up his suitcase. “I did.”

Luke stared at him for a few seconds. “You didn’t respond so I went with them.”

“I figured.”

“Don’t be mad.”

“I’m not.”

“You sound mad.”

Reid sighed. “I sound tired, Luke. I just want to go to sleep and go home.”

Luke set the bags down on the small desk and walked over to the bed where Reid was settling in already.

“Are you sure?”

Reid looked at him and nodded. “I’m sure.” He lay back and rubbed his eyes. “What time is our flight?”

“Nine-thirty. Theirs is at ten.” Luke sat down on the bed.

“Okay,” Reid said as he turned on his left side and gave his back to Luke.

Luke sighed.

Luke’s ringtone woke them both up at six the next morning.

Reid groaned as he turned over and looked at Luke. Luke yawned as he answered it. “Ruth, good morning. Yeah, it’s at ten.” He paused. “Um, no, I don’t think I can. Me and Reid have to finish packing. Sorry.” He hung up.

“What did she want?”

Luke rubbed his eyes. “She needs help with all of their stuff.”

Reid bit his lip to refrain from saying something. He heard his phone buzz, and he knew who-and what-it was.

“Luke, I can take our bags and check in at the airport. You go help them. Noah can’t do much, you know.”

Luke sat up. “No, I’m not gonna go.”


“Are you fucking kidding me, Reid?”

Reid sat up. “What?”

“Why are you telling me to go when I know you don’t want me to?”

“Will you stop it? Just go help them. The sooner we all leave, the sooner you and I get home,” Reid said in a frustrated tone.

Luke crossed his arms. “What is going on?”


Luke looked at him, his lips pursed and his eyes narrowed.

“Just go, Luke,” Reid said in a voice louder than he’d intended.

“Fine! But you and me are gonna talk about this later.” He went into the bathroom and slammed the door behind him.

Reid fell back onto the bed.

“Luke, sweetie, you don’t think you can come with us on the plane, do you?” Ruth asked as she and Luke stood in line at the check-in counter.

Luke smiled at her. “Sorry, I can’t. Reid’s already waiting for me on the other plane. And he gets very nervous when he flies.”

She looked over at Noah, who sat with his cane and a small bag in one of the chairs. She sighed. “I know; it’s just that I could really use some help when I get Noah on this one and then when we change planes at our stop.”

Luke looked over at Noah and then back at Ruth. “The flight attendants will help you.”

Ruth smiled as she leaned in and touched Luke’s arm. “I know but I’d feel more comfortable if it was you. Noah would too. And besides, I’m horrible with directions. I’ll probably get us lost when we stop in Denver.”

Luke smiled.

Reid and Luke’s plane was boarding, and Reid saw no sign of Luke anywhere. He’d agreed to meet Reid at the gate as soon as he helped Noah and Ruth in the other terminal.

Reid called Luke’s phone.

“Hello? Luke’s phone.”


“Doctor, hi. Luke is busy at the moment,” Ruth said. She was holding Luke’s carry-on bag while he talked to a ticket clerk.

Reid held himself in check. “Could you just tell him that our flight is boarding now?”

“Your flight, you mean.”


“I’m sure Luke will be calling you in a bit to tell you that he’s coming with us. That’s what he’s doing right now, actually. He’s getting a ticket on our flight.”

Reid’s heart began to pound, and he felt his blood pressure increase.

“Do you want to leave a message?” Ruth asked innocently.

Reid hung up. He shouldn’t be mad. He’s the one who encouraged Luke to go to Ruth and Noah because he couldn’t tell Luke the truth. But he couldn’t help what he felt at that moment.

He sat down in the first-class cabin and touched the empty seat next to him. He hated flying but he hated flying by himself even more. And he understood that Luke was upset-he hadn’t seen him as mad as he had that morning when he’d practically pushed Luke out of the bed, and Reid hated himself for not being honest about that-but Reid also knew that Luke knew how much he needed him now. So he suddenly hated Luke for not caring about that enough to be here for him.

As the flight attendant passed by checking the overhead bins, Reid stopped her.

“Before we take off, could I get a scotch and soda, please?” If he had to fly alone, then he was going to distract himself as much as possible.

“Get him pretzels and a glass of water. It’s too early to drink.”

The flight attendant stepped back to allow Luke, dressed in a Los Angeles t-shirt and khaki shorts, to step into the aisle and sit down next to a very surprised Reid.

Reid stared at him, particularly at how good Luke’s legs looked in shorts.

“We’ll talk when we get home,” Luke said, buckling his seatbelt.

Reid nodded.

As the flight attendant prepared everyone for take-off, Luke reached over and grasped Reid’s hand in his.

Reid smiled.


reid oliver, fic, lure, ruth mason, atwt, luke snyder, noah

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