FIC: The Perfect Couple

Jan 12, 2011 18:54

A Luke/Reid fic in which the boys prove they're a better couple than Chris and Katie. (As the World Turns, R)

Title: The Perfect Couple
Author: sleeper6
Characters: Luke/Reid, Chris/Katie
Rating: R (for language)
Word Count: 2333
Summary: Luke and Reid try to prove they’re a better couple than Chris and Katie.
Disclaimer: All belongs to As the World Turns, not me.
Author's notes: One-shot of fluff.

“These tacos are very good, Katie,” Luke Snyder said as he bit into the crunchy shell in his hand.

Sitting beside him, Reid Oliver nodded and grunted, his mouth too full to release words.

“Thank you, Luke. And Reid,” Katie Snyder smiled as she watched Luke, Reid, and Chris Hughes eat the Mexican dinner she’d prepared that evening after another long day at the TV station. Her baby, Jacob, was spending the night with her sister, Margo, and her husband. Ever since Margo’s son, Casey, had left Oakdale, Margo had suddenly taken a keen interest in babysitting Jacob, her maternal side not yet ready to face an empty nest. Katie didn’t mind as it now afforded her more time to cook big dinners and spend with her new fiancé, Chris. And Reid and Luke didn’t interfere much; now that they were more together than ever, they usually kept to themselves. But the two couples shared an occasional night out (which didn’t happen often since Reid explicitly told them that he didn’t do double-dating), breakfast, or dinner-as long as Katie cooked because none of the three men did.

She wiped her mouth on a napkin and turned to her right to face Chris. “I was talking to Jenny, my friend at the station, today about the wedding plans and what we have so far. She loved it all.”

“Hmm,” Chris nodded as he bit into his taco.

“And then she said something so sweet. Do you know what she said?” Katie touched Chris’s free hand. “She called us the perfect couple.”

Chris swallowed and kissed Katie. “I like the sound of that.”

Katie kissed him back. “We are very good together, aren’t we?”

Katie and Chris stared into each other’s eyes.

“Um, I’m sorry but are you two really calling yourself the perfect couple?”

All six eyes looked at Luke.

Katie released a bubbly laugh. “Okay, maybe we’re not perfect but we are close to it.”

Chris kissed Katie’s hand and his dimpled cheeks smiled at Luke. “The best couple in Oakdale, how about that?’

“Says you,” Luke said, abandoning his dinner and glaring at the couple before him.

Chris nodded. “Says we.”

Luke continued staring.

“What, Luke?” asked Katie, no longer smiling.

Luke crossed his arms on the table. “I’d like to know what makes you think you deserve that title. If you’re going to be calling yourselves that, I want proof.”


Chris laughed. “Reid, you’re girlfriend’s getting huffy.”

“Eat your taco, Luke,” Reid said before shoving half a taco into his mouth.

“No, Reid, I really want to know why Katie and Chris think they’re better than us.”

“Whoa, we didn’t say that, man,” Chris said quickly.

“Actually, you did,” Luke replied tersely.

Katie smiled again. “Luke, sweetie, it’s not a contest. And we’re not better than you; we’re just better at relationships than you two.”

“What?” demanded Luke.

“What?” asked Reid, throwing his sixth taco onto the plate and wiping his mouth with a napkin.

“Each of us,” Katie stated, pointing to herself and Chris, “has had more relationships than the two of you combined.”

Reid smirked. “You mean all those relationships that ended in infidelity, lies, adultery, burglary, and fraud?”

“Those relationships ended but we’re still going strong,” Chris said smugly, holding up Katie’s ring-covered finger.

Katie kissed Chris’s cheek. “Yes, we are.” She faced Luke and Reid. “And by the way, we’re not the only ones who think we’re great together. A lot of people think so too.”

“A lot of people-who, your friend, Jenny?” Luke asked Katie before looking at Chris. “And your mom?” He glanced at each of them with an exaggerated pout. “Jenny and your mom?”

“Nice,” Reid said, holding up his hand for a high-five, which Luke excitedly slapped.

“I meant the people at the station, at Jacob’s daycare, Margo, Tom, Casey-”

“And don’t forget the staff at the hospital,” Chris cut in. “They even named us.”

Reid laughed. “What?”

Katie smiled too sweetly at him. “They gave us a nickname: Chratie-you know, like Tomkat and all the supercouples.”

“Oh, so that’s what they’re talking about when I hear that word,” Reid said to nobody in particular.

“Please! Every couple gets a name nowadays. Even the stupid couple from that ridiculous reality show has one. That doesn’t mean anything,” Luke argued.

“People like us, Luke. They like us together,” Katie retorted.

“Yes, they do,” Chris agreed, putting an arm around Katie and squeezing her. “Look at us.”

Reid and Luke stared.

“Look at us. We’re adorable.”

Reid opened his mouth, but Luke’s hand on his caused him to shut it quickly.

“And we have a baby! How can you top a baby?” Katie added.

“And we’re smokin’!” Chris exclaimed, pulling Katie’s head to him and smashing his lips upon hers. They continued kissing for a few more seconds before Luke loudly cleared his throat.

“As you can tell, we also have an amazing sex life. But I’m sure the two of you knew that since you sleep next to us,” Katie said with a wink.

“Oh, is that what that is?” Reid asked. “I thought Jacob was developing asthma. I’d been meaning to talk to you about that.”

Luke raised his palm, and Reid slapped it. “Nice.”

“Okay, guys, that’s enough,” Katie said. “I don’t want to fight with you over this.”

“Who’s fighting?” Luke asked, his creamy skin starting to redden. “I was just asking.”

Reid touched Luke’s shoulder. “Luke.”

Luke turned to Reid. “I’m not fighting!”

Reid stood and held out his hand to Luke. “Come on.”

Luke stood and took Reid’s hand.

“Let’s go to my room,” whispered Reid as he and Luke turned to walk.

“Yeah, to talk,” Chris said.

Both men whirled around.

Chris was smirking. “You know we have more sex than you guys. Remember which one of us did it first.”

Reid grabbed his unfinished taco off the plate and held it up for the couple to see before he threw it on the floor. “These tacos suck!”

Katie gasped.

Reid grabbed Luke’s hand again. “Come on, Luke, it’s time for the real perfect couple to have lots and lots of sex,” he practically yelled as he pulled Luke away.

Luke and Reid walked into the bedroom, Reid slamming the door before starting to unbutton his shirt.

Luke stood by the bed with his arms crossed. “I cannot believe them! How dare they think they’re better than us!”

Reid shrugged and continued unbuttoning.

“Chris and Katie better than you and me? Ha, that’ll be the day,” Luke declared.

Reid walked over to Luke. “Stop the talking and start the stripping, please.” He touched the top button of Luke’s shirt.

Luke stopped his hands. “What are you doing?”

“What do you think?”

Luke walked away from Reid and sat on the bed. “I can’t do that right now, Reid.”

“But Luke-”

“No! I-we have to prove that we’re the perfect couple, not them.”

Reid stood in front of Luke. “And we can do that. Really, really loudly.”

Luke stared at him.

Reid sighed and sat down next to him. “Why does it matter so much?”

“Because-because it does.”

“It wasn’t that long ago that you thought they were better than us, remember?” Reid asked, remembering the fight they’d had after Luke accused Reid of not being as romantic as Chris.

“I was delusional.” Luke faced Reid. “But are we better than them-as a couple?” he asked quietly.

Reid was in no mood for a sad or doubting Luke so he grinned as widely as he could at his boyfriend. “We’re fabulous.”

Luke laughed. “I don’t think I’ve heard you use that word before.”

“Well, I’ve heard you say it.”

“I do not.” Luke punched Reid’s arm softly. “Do you really think, though, that we’re good together?”

“Hell, yes. Doogie and Bubbles got nothing on us.”

“Why is that?”

“We have lots of things in common. First, we’re hot, like, unbelievably hot. On the Richter scale of hotness, Chris and Katie are a 2.0-okay, 2.5. I’ll give them an extra .5 because Katie is attractive. But you and me? We’re definitely a 9.5."

“Why not a 10?”

Reid pointed to his head. “We don’t always have the best hair days.”

Luke giggled.

“Secondly, we both have excellent careers. I’m a fucking brilliant world-famous doctor-what’s cooler than that, seriously?”


“And you’re a charitable do-gooder with a foundation who does a lot of charity work and um, do-gooding. Plus you’re a hospital board member who makes many important decisions that affect a lot of people’s lives. You’re fucking amazing.”

“We’re also both rich,” Luke stated.

“Filthy. That means we won’t ever fight over money. Katie does well at the station, but I don’t think she makes enough to buy too many Gucci bags or Prada shoes. And Chris’s salary is a third of mine.”

“Also, we’re both stubborn and hot-headed.”

“And hot,” Reid said.

“I think we covered that one already, Reid.”

“And we do a lot of things together,” Reid continued.

Luke nodded. “Work at the hospital.”

“Eat breakfast,” Reid chimed in.

“Play chess.”

“Have sex.”

“Go swimming.”

“Eat lunch.”

“Make love.”

“Eat dinner.”

“Take walks in the park.”

“Eat in.”

“Go shopping.”

“Eat out.”

“We’re also very considerate of each other,” Luke said. “I always know when not to disturb you to let you rest.”

“And I always warn you before I come in your mouth so you don’t choke,” Reid said.

“Excuse me for having a gag reflex.”

“It’s not your fault.” Reid touched Luke’s hand. “You just haven’t sucked as many cocks as I have.”

“Yet,” Luke said with a mischievous grin.

Reid playfully slapped the side of Luke’s neck. “Not ever.”

“Oh, and who cares about a stupid nickname anyway? We don’t need one to prove we’re a great couple, right?” asked Luke.

“That’s right!” exclaimed Reid. “Just out of curiosity, what would ours be?”

Both men thought about it.

“Reke?” asked Luke, wrinkling his nose.

“Luid? Leid?” asked Reid with his own disgusted face.

Luke shrugged. “Forget the name. But what’s with them throwing the baby in our faces?”

“Cheap shot. Even if we could have kids, what makes them think we’d want them?”

Luke looked at Reid carefully. He realized he and Reid had never discussed the idea of having children. “So you don’t want kids?”

“I don’t think I could handle them,” Reid confessed with a sheepish grin.

“Not true,” Luke replied, leaning closer to his boyfriend. “I think you’d make a great father.”


“Because you’re very patient with me,” said Luke before giving Reid a peck on the lips.

“Please don’t think of me as a father figure; I feel old enough as it is,” Reid said.

“I have two fathers already; trust me, I don’t want another one.”

Reid rubbed the back of his neck and looked down at the floor. “What about you, Luke? Do you want to have kids?” His blue eyes looked back up at Luke.

Luke shook his head. “I think I’m still too young to think about that. And we have tons of time to talk about it if we’re going to be together forev-uh, for a long time. But if it’s just you and me for the rest of this, us,” he said, pointing at both of them, “then I’ll be happy with that.”

Reid touched Luke’s chin. “Me too.”

“And we’ll have more time for sex.”

“I was thinking that too! See, another thing we do well. Chris and Katie will never beat us,” Reid said triumphantly.

“And they may have Jenny and Kim’s approval, but we have many more people rooting for us, don’t we?”

Reid nodded. “Your parents, your friends, all the nurses at Memorial, your siblings, your almost-stepmother, Bob . . .”

“My grandmother, my other grandmother, your colleagues, the hospital board.”

“And we don’t even need an engagement ring to prove we’re a better pair,” Reid declared.

“That’s true,” agreed Luke, grasping both of Reid’s hands in his.

“And last but not least, let’s not forget that we’re gay; that’s a bonus right there,” Reid said. “We’re not just another boring straight couple. We’re controversial.”


“Brave,” Reid chuckled. “And inspiring to many a lost boy or girl.”

Luke laughed and then grew serious. “You know, they may have had sex first, but we fell in love first.”

Reid smiled. “Yes, we did. And love before sex is pretty amazing.”

Luke blushed and looked down at the floor, his emotions threatening to burst out of his heart if he kept staring at Reid.

“And the sex after was-is wow.”

Luke laughed. “I bet we do it so much better than they do.”

“Oh, definitely,” Reid said, nodding. “Katie would never let Chris do to her what I did to you last Saturday.”

“No, definitely not.”

“And that’s why we’re a better couple than them, Luke.”

Luke lifted an eyebrow.

“Not just because of that, but because of everything that we do to each other, for each other, with each other. And we get each other like no one else ever has. Or will,” Reid said and then looked away.


Reid cleared his throat and faced Luke again. “And did I mention we’re hotter than them?”

“Yeah,” Luke said, grinning. “I’m sorry I made such a big deal about it, Reid.”

“It’s okay. I’ve always known I was perfect, but I know it takes some people a bit longer to get used to it,” Reid said matter-of-factly. He then touched Luke’s cheek. “But please don’t ever let anyone think they’re better than you, Luke, because they’re not.”

Luke kissed Reid softly. “I can’t believe how good we are together.”

“Believe it. Leid is the perfect couple.”

“Huh?” asked Luke confusingly.

“Leid,” repeated Reid. “Or Ruke? Relu?”

Luke shook his head. “How about just Luke and Reid?”

Reid nodded. “Luke and Reid are perfect. Yeah, that works.”

reid oliver, fic, lure, atwt, luke snyder, chris/katie

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