FIC: A New Year for Two

Jan 08, 2008 02:15

A Remus/Sirius fic in which the boys talk about making changes for the new year. (Harry Potter, MWPP, PG-13)

Title: A New Year for Two
Author: sleeper6
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,691
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns all.
Summary: Remus & Sirius talk about changes for the new year.

January 1, 1978

“You can come along if you want, you know. Mum and Dad won’t mind at all.”

Sirius Black, lying on his stomach on his bed, shook his head. “I’ll feel like an intruder. They’re your family, after all.”

James Potter, leaning against the open door of Sirius’s bedroom in the Potter house, smiled at his best friend. “You’re family to us now, you prat. You’ve practically become my mum’s favorite son.”

Sirius shook his head again. “No, it’s all right. You go on ahead. I’ll be fine here, Prongs. I’m going to read that book about dragons that your father gave me; it sounds like a good tale.”

James straightened his glasses. “You sure?”

“Yes,” smiled Sirius. “Thanks, though.”

“Anytime,” said James as he walked out and closed the door behind him.

Sirius shut his eyes and sighed. He hated lying to James; he really was the best friend one could ask for. The boy had invited Sirius to spend a part of New Year’s Day at his grandmother’s house, where all three Potters were headed that afternoon. And like James had mentioned, Mr. and Mrs. Potter-who had taken Sirius into their home without hesitation the August before-wouldn’t have minded. And as much as Sirius was grateful for that, though, he was more grateful for the time alone at the moment-time away from the Potters, more specifically. Although he loved the Potter family, Sirius felt smothered at times. It wasn’t annoying, just unusual for him. His own family had never been so intimate. And he and Regulus had certainly never been as close to one another as Sirius and James were. But ever since the beginning of his seventh year at Hogwarts, there was someone else in Sirius’s life that he wanted to get close to, someone with whom he had carefully planned to spend that afternoon.

“Remus!” Sirius shouted after dropping floo powder into the small fireplace in the corner of his bedroom. “They’re gone.”

After a few seconds, seventeen-year-old Remus Lupin walked out of the fireplace in a cloud of smoke. He straightened his shirt and combed powder out of his hair with his long fingers. “Hey,” he said, grinning.

Sirius walked towards him and dusted more powder residue off Remus’s shoulders. He suddenly stopped and looked at Remus. “Happy new year.”

“Happy new year to you,” replied Remus. The two boys hadn’t been able to celebrate New Year’s Eve together as Remus’s parents had insisted he help host a small dinner for his father’s friends. Similarly, Sirius had celebrated the midnight tradition at James’s parents’ annual party. Even if they had been together, they certainly wouldn’t have been able to kiss at midnight, as James still didn’t know about his two friends’ relationship, and Remus’s parents were in the dark as well. This is precisely why they were hiding out at the Potters’ while they were away. Without James around (who seemed to live in Sirius’s room 95 percent of the time), and away from the Lupin household (where Mrs. Lupin had a need to walk into Remus’s room several times an hour), Sirius and Remus could finally engage in things that were more than friendly.

“I missed you,” said Sirius hoarsely, his hand squeezing Remus’s shoulder.

Remus rolled his eyes. “Don’t get all soppy on me, Black. It’s too early in the year.”

Sirius wrapped his arms around Remus’s waist and lifted him, leading them towards the bed.

“Sirius! Put me-”

“Shh. You said no talking,” said Sirius as he threw Remus on the bed and then covered Remus’s body with his own. As Remus opened his mouth, Sirius covered that too. The slow, gentle kiss eventually led to more kissing.

Many, many minutes later, Sirius rolled off Remus and fell back against the bed, exhaling deeply. They both stared at the ceiling as they lay side by side. “How much time do we have?” asked Remus, his hair unkempt and his shirt-with the top two buttons undone-all wrinkled. Sirius glanced at the dog bone-shaped clock on the nightstand. “One hour,” he said as he faced Remus. Remus stared back and then traced Sirius’s plump lips, which had been fastened on Remus’s neck for the past twenty minutes, with his finger. Sirius grabbed Remus’s hand and dropped it into his hair, shutting his eyes as he burrowed closer to Remus. Remus smiled and began rubbing Sirius’s head; Sirius loved this so much that he sometimes even whimpered like a puppy from the pleasure.

“Gosh, Moony, you smell so good,” whispered Sirius as he buried his head in Remus’s right shoulder and wrapped one arm around Remus’s waist, pulling him closer. “How come you always smell so good?”

Remus laughed. “Stop sniffing me like a dog, Sirius.”

“But I am a dog, Moony. And I have a heightened sense of smell.” He moaned a little as Remus pulled just a bit on his hair.

“So, here we are. A new year,” Remus said after a while.


“What are your new year’s resolutions?”

“Come on, Moony; you know I don’t believe in that,” said Sirius grudgingly.

Remus grinned. “You should; it can make you a better person.”

“I thought you liked me just the way I am.”

“There’s always room for improvement,” teased Remus.

“What are yours?”

“I asked you first.”

Sirius pulled away from Remus and rubbed his eyes before opening them. “I don’t know. Finish school. Get a place of my own. Yeah, that’s one, I guess. I love living here, but I need my own place.”

“What else?”

“Get a job, probably.” Sirius nodded. “Yes, definitely going to need one of those, unless James wants to support us all, which he can afford. I mean, I would if I was still the richest one of the lot.”

Remus smiled as Sirius continued, “I want to tell James and Peter about us.”

Remus turned on his side to look at Sirius, who looked back at him from a similar position. “Sirius, I don’t know.”

“I hate lying to them,” declared Sirius solemnly.

“We’re not lying.”

Sirius picked his head up. “We’re hiding the truth from them, Remus. And I don’t like keeping things from James.” He fell back against the pillow. “Besides, I think James might suspect.”

“What?” asked Remus alarmingly. “What makes you say that?”

“Because I’ve never dated a girl; I never talk about girls. Do you remember what I said the first time he told us he fancied Evans? I said, ‘She has beautiful hair.’” Sirius groaned in disbelief. “I mentioned her hair, Moony, when I-I should’ve said something crude and-and vulgar about her . . . breasts.”

“But Sirius, we don’t know how they’ll react,” warned Remus.

“We won’t know if we never tell them, right? They’re our friends. They'll-they’ll understand, in their own way . . . eventually if not right away.” Sirius covered his face with his arm. Remus said nothing. Truthfully, neither knew what their best friends would say about their relationship, and more honestly, neither was too eager to find out.

Sirius uncovered his face, interrupting the thoughts on Remus’s face. “Okay, now you go.”

Remus, still on his side, rested his head on his folded palms. “I want to finish school, too.” He lowered his voice and averted Sirius’s eyes. “I want to get a decent job, wherever I can get hired. I’d really appreciate that.” Remus looked at Sirius again. “I’d also like to go someplace that’s not England, somewhere far away. I want to read more books, like you do. And well, um, if you want to tell James, maybe I should tell my folks too-about us.” Remus shut his eyes tightly. “I’m just terrified of what they’re going to say, Sirius.”

Sirius took hold of Remus’s hand and squeezed it. “It’ll be all right. They love you so much.”

Remus half-smiled and shrugged. Then, he added, “Oh, and um, I-I want to continue to be with you, like this.” Remus squeezed Sirius’s hand. “If you’ll still have me.”

“I’ll always have you, Remus,” said a grinning Sirius as he leaned closer to his friend.

“So we will continue this after school ends?”

“Of course, unless you’ve suddenly decided that you’d rather let a girl suck your neck instead of me, or fallen for someone better-looking-which is, fortunately, impossible,” replied Sirius as one of his hands began grazing Remus’s cheek.

Remus shook his head. “No one sucks better than you.” The two stared at each other confusingly before erupting in laughter.

“If we’re going to be together for a while, there’s another resolution we ought to do,” Sirius said suddenly.

Remus raised an eyebrow.

“We take this relationship to the next level.”

“Oh,” said Remus thoughtfully. “So you want to do that with me?”

“I want to do everything with you, Remus.”

“Well, then that ought to be on both our new year’s resolutions’ lists.”



Both boys grinned much too widely. Remus and Sirius had agreed-one month into their relationship-that they would wait to have sex until they finished school. Although waiting wasn’t easy for two randy teenage boys, they didn’t want to risk discovery by James or Peter or anyone else during such an intimate act. That, and both secretly hoped for a more special place for their first time than the old castle they’d lived in for almost seven years. As they stared at one another, their grins slowly gave way to half-smiles and shy silence. Moments like these had begun to occur between the boys until one of them would break the silence, the two of them more than a bit embarrassed at acting so sentimental.

Remus coughed loudly and looked away. “So I guess 1978 is going to be a good year, then.”

Sirius laughed. “Oh, it’s going to be a great year, Moony. Even if we only keep that last resolution and forget all the others.”

“What other ones?” asked a laughing Remus as he pulled Sirius to him for a long kiss.

Yes, 1978 would definitely be a good year for them.

james, mwpp, fic, slash, new year's, resolutions, remus/sirius, harry potter

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