Hades went to the vet on tuesday. she weighs 8oz and is about 3-4 weeks old. she had a double break in her leg, both bones in her forearm were snapped in half and nowhere near eachother so they kept her overnight to basically reconstruct the leg and splint it. i got her back yesterday evening and...well... look:
absolutely pittiful. but it's a good kind of pathetic, as it means she's going to be fixed soon. her spirit certainly isn't broken, she bites just as hard as ever. and of course, everyone at the vet clinic and my dad's work fell in love with her and wanted to keep her. she has to go back once a week for at least a month for re-splinting so everyone will get their share of her. and in a month she will be old enough for the cat-leukemia and AIDS tests... pray/meditate/perform a sacrificial ceremony or whatver it is you do for her when that time comes...
in other news, my mom is a selfish pain in my ass... well that's not news. hmm... this weekend anthony is having a party on some island he and his friends have to themselves all weekend. they have a boat the whole time in case anyone needs to go to shore too. crysta really wants me to go... so i'm going to try. my scheduling manager wasnt there so i couldnt request the weekend off but she also didnt put up the new schedule so i think i still have time. i'll call tomorrow morning perhas or wait til i get to work tomorrow... i havent decided yet. wish me luck on that one.