two weeks...oh shit!

May 28, 2009 11:09

I only have 14 and 16 more days to finish all that I need to for class my classes!  Eep!

I have about 9 pages to my capstone paper.  I forgot to email myself what I had so that I could print it at school for class today.  My instructor said it would be okay if I emailed it to her later tonight.  I am going to try to work on it a little at work today.  Since I don't have it infront of me, I'm just going to try to think of things to add.  So close to being done with the paper.  Need to start focusing on the presentation now.  My teammate for our project showed me a cool way to capture video from something like youtube, so it might save me some time from having to use the capture stations here at school.

I have until Tuesday to tweak my demo reel.  I need to try to fix up part of my animation, there's a small bob where there shouldn't be.  Won't be able to add more cool stuff to it, but I need to try to add cool transitions and text effects.  A burnt copy of the disc containing my demo reel plus the label on the disc is due inside the cd case with the pocket insert.

Tomorrow I need to come to school to work on trying to animate as much as I can of the scenes I have...hopefully to completion for class on Saturday.

Saturday I need to stay late after class to work on my demo reel.

Still, for portfolio, I still need to:  Get my clothes tailored, fix/update/print my resumes, redo my website (EEP!), table design, crimp and possibly reorder my business cards, buy dvd cases, print 20 disc labels/burn demo reel, trim case inserts and resumes, also print my portfolio and trim that.

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