Dec 21, 2005 16:09
I don't know what the living hell is wrong with me. These past few days have been nothing BUT hell. Hell delivered from Lucifer himself. I feel like I been in a fog for the longest time and I'm just going around in circles. I can't bring myself to even BEGIN to think straight. Crying on and off in the midst of everyone else being happy and cheerful. What is wrong with me? Teen junk? BULL.
And everytime I turn around it's another nerve gone(<--whoa, good lyric, huh?). No joke. Everyone wants something from me. Everytime I hear my name there's an order after it. And every other person just suddenly decided to be an asshole to me. What the hell did I ever do??? Seems like the only people in this world who care about me is Peggy and Ashtre. Seems like the only person here to blame is me. So, let's hear it. Knock me down sommore kids...
No, serious. No kidding around. I know who the bigger idiot here is. Me, obviously. Inevitably. So let's hear it.
I need to fucking die or something... See ya later. Whoever "ya" is.