Jan 19, 2006 18:51
This morning while me and Holly were walking up to the school, I slipped and fell on the ice. I thought for a second that this would be like all the other times I slipped and fell at school. Get back up, walk it off... but this time, when I tried to get up, I couldn't. It hurt so bad to move my legs that I just started bawlling. Holly kneeled down beside me and asked if I was alright. Shook my head, of course. She instantly got on her cell phone and called Daddy. The school security gaurds came out and Mrs. Shneider did too. One of the lady's covered me up with her jacket cos I was just laying there on the ice. I couldn't move or anything. I could just lay there and cry till Daddy got there. They called the ambulance and I'll tell ya... rolling onto that backboard was the most excrutiating pain I've ever been through. And I was numb from all that ice... and it STILL hurt. This is bad... I thought.
It was freaky too, cos they put that neck brace on me and all I could see was up. A buncha people surrounding me. I felt like I was in The Outsiders. That's all I could think about while in the ambulance... Ponyboy saying "Johnny? Dallas?... We're greasers... No, I ain't kiddin' ya..." I thought of how bad Johnny had hurt his back and I started to feel like a real wimp.
Shit... Felt like someone put a sledge hammer to my back (as Daddy put it so well). They put on the sirens, that was exciting, but the pain I was in, I could've cared less.
When I got to the hospital, the doctors and nurses fixed me up on a softer bed and then all the sudden, after all the commotion, I was alone. What the fuck? A couple people in their beds across from me were getting up, stretching, taking their meds. Where the hell did they take me? Just relax, Beck... Daddy and Holly'll be here soon... Start counting the dots on the ceiling...
1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10... SHIT! Where is anybody?! Start singing, get your mind off the pain.... Sing... sing... Paul Newman! That's it! "I don't care if it rains or freezes... cos I got a plastic Jesus sittin on the dashboard of my car. Comes in colors pink and pleasant, froze in the dark of a teary dessen... take it with you when you travel far..."
Anybody think I'm crazy yet over there? That lady didn't seem to care, as long as I sang quiet enough for them not to hear. Still nobody around I knew though. I started to cry again...
Keep singing, keep singing...
"Get yourself a sweet Madonna dressed in rhinestones sittin on a pedistol of apples on the shelf (not sure what he really sez there.) Goin' nighty I ain't scary cos I got the virgin Mary assurin me that I won't go to hell..."
"Yeah, she's over here?" The voice from Heavan, I swear.
DADDY!!!! MOMMY!!! YAAAAYY!!!! Dry clothes, a book to read, company... Hell. Yes. Vikadin, whoa... knock out. Xrays, loneliness, lady telling me to take off my pants... eek... Then, back to being around Mommy, Daddy and Holly! All I wanted to do was go home. Once I got to go home though, I fell asleep with my mommy watching King of the Hill. I was tired.
I woke up around one and ate something, and fell back asleep till 4:30. I've had a pretty odd day. I don't even know what to call it. But I'll be damned if it happens again. I'll raise hell and sue EDHS. SALT YOUR FUCKING SIDEWALKS AND PARKING LOTS PEOPLE! OR I'LL FUCKIN CUT YOU!
Oh yeah... nuttin's broke, if you wonder... just bruised real bad. I'll be better by tomorrow, but I'ma take it slow this weekend. After today, slow is all I'ma do for a week or two. Damn bruised tail bone... WE DON'T EVEN HAVE TAILS! WHAT THE FUCK DUDE?!