Dec 08, 2003 12:18
I was asked today by someone at work, do I feel guilty for being a working mom. Its kind of annoyed and upset me, because I don't feel guilty and I shouldn't feel guilty. If I didn't work then Livvy wouldn't have half the stuff she has, she'd just have the very basics she needs to be healthy and happy. She doesn't suffer. She has Ash. She needs time with her Dad just as much, my Dad never had much to do with me, neither did my Mom, it was a very sterile relationship with my parents until this last year, and it makes me work towards being different with Livvy, I want and will have a close and warm relationship with my daughter weather I work or not. And I choose to work. A lot of the time I wish I didn't work, but I do, and I know its for the best. And despite what people might think, Livvy doesn't suffer for it!
One thing I am missing though, is Livvys habit of babbling in the morning, I totally despise needing to work when I miss stuff like that. She often does it when she first wakes up in the morning, when I'm at work. But I hear it at weekends when she does it, its nice waking up to hearing your baby babbling!
Christmas really is sneaking up on me, I can feel it lol. I don't seem to have the energy, so it'll be a quiet christmas. Might not put the decorations up until maybe the week before Christmas. Although I'm sure the tinsil twinkling in the lights will amuse Liv no end. I tried christmas shopping yesterday but I ended up just going home because Liv wouldn't settle, she didn't want to be in her stroller, she wanted to crawl her own way around, but theres no way that will be happening in a busy shop, I'm going to need to bring Ash next time, then if shes being differcult one of us can take her out somewhere quiet while the other shops, you get no shopping done with a screaming baby! You'd think sitting back and watching people do stuff would be interesting to her since she does like to just sit there and watch us a lot, but lol when we actully want her to do that she doesn't want to!
Livvy got a pretty big toy for her birthday, its kind of a truck but babys can push it along, I'm not letting her play with it at the moment because she hasn't mastered that it'll move when she pushes it so she needs to walk with it, I can see her falling flat on her face, she needs to be better with her walking, its not too good unless whatever shes holding onto doesn't move and she can get a good grip on it (then theres no stopping her!) but the box it came in must of been her favorite present! lol keeps her amused no end. I'm going to try the truck with me infront of it so it won't move to fast and she can't tumble over. lol yes I am paranoid about her falling flat on her face because it hurts and I don't want her to get hurt. Actully no I'm not being paranoid, I just know how she is with her walking, she needs to be a bit more stable first. lol I bet that sounds like I'm holding her back doesn't it? I'm not.