Scary stuff...

May 05, 2010 21:08

So two Replicans (Replicons, more like) in the US Senate have come up with probably the most scary and potentially damaging scheme in the history of the United States.

These two zealots (Joe Liebermanof Connecticut, allegedly an "Independent", but one that gets to make key speeches at Republican conventions, and Scott Brown of Massachusetts) have proposed stripping US citizens accused of terrorism of their citizenship.

It doesn't take a constitutional genius to detect the problem with this: should the government decide, for whatever reason, that they want to deny an individual his or her Constitutional rights, then all they have to do is _accuse_ that person of terrorism, and *bing* they're suddenly not citizens. No trial, no Bill of Rights, just an accusation and then its "open season" for the government and (at best) Military Commissions for the individual accused (but not convicted, note) of terrorism.

Lieberman and Brown are proposing the sort of measure that would have made Joe Stalin proud: the power to strip citizens of rights based on accusation, not conviction in a court of law.

Thankfully, I believe even this somewhat delusional Supreme Court would choke on such tyranny.

And maybe the proponents know that.

Which makes them scumsucking media whores, trying to make political gain out of sounding tough while actually proposing eroding citizens rights.  Of course, Lieberman is such a scumbag that when he *lost* his primary election, he refused to accept that his time was up, and ran as an "independent".  He was so desperate to stay on the public teat that he'd ditch any principles to stay in Washington.  And Brown "campaigns" by fabricating issues to contest, which we usually call "lying".

Both of them are un-American zealots, who are breaking their oath of office.  Both should be impeached and convicted of perjury, because you can't swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States and introduce legislation like they have.
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