(no subject)

Sep 21, 2005 00:09

Note to self:

Drum scanner service: http://www.superchrome.co.uk. Should cost 45 quid plus 10 pounds for the CD. The original looks like it was 3.5x5, so a scan at 1200 lpi will give a 75MB file good for 14x20 at 300dpi. That's way more than I need, but the price break is at 80MB, so I may as well go for 4X instead of 2.5X.

(Note to others: my dad wants a pic from his wedding day enlarged "a little". I reckon that means something up to 8x12, which -- with some space for cropping the image better than it was -- means I need to get a usable image area file that's at least 2400x3600, which means I need to get a scan at ~3000x4500, i.e. scan at 900lpi, but all files up to 80MB cost the same, so let's get a 1200lpi scan -- 4200x6000 pixels -- and let PS-CS2 downsize it!)
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