Jan 13, 2009 06:14
Neologisms are great, but smashing two existing words together to create a whole new meaning is even better. As I was waiting for CS3 to install, I decided to look at my existing ideas and continue to expand on them. At the moment, there are 4. I'm in a great direction with two of them. One, I'm not sure whether to do it in Flash or just paper it. And the last one requires Fimo, and other things. I may not even have the space for it at the moment, but will need to practice A LOT to get it just right. (a word in that sentence is a clue to what the portmanteau is, but until I can nab the name for a domain name an stuff, I really don't want to say it yet.)
Anyway, I was looking up something in nostalgic value of the 90s. I really liked the logos for the clothing line, and had to find them via their style name. I was thinking of random names, and then, a random Greek word hit me. I put another word with it and it sounded amazing, as if it could be a company name itself. So I thought of a slogan and such. Been cranking out logos. I'm extremely happy right now, and it's things like this that keep me inspired and strive to do what I can with this head of mine!
I still have tons of thinking to do. LOTS. I have to make sure this turns out good. I'm going to be extremely busy this week.
Been getting tons of ideas for con stuff, too. Discussed it with Lady, crossed out what would not work, and elaborate on what would. She also told me to stick to stuff I'd have fun making, too.
So I have to decide: a) get Fimo b)get MIDI interface or c) get hard drive.
I could get all three if I amazoned/ebayed it. I may have to get RAM for this laptop to handle the beast that is CS3. Good thing rent is taken care of practically. The electric bill wasn't that much, and I owe some money elsewhere. So I just might be able to do all three + RAM, depending.
I'm just really thrilled right now, and sleepless nights will begin once more. The first time was teaching myself Flash. It's all about practice, practice, practice.
I'm going to have to clean the room, too, so I can let all of this magic happen. And I hope I get more than 16 bucks for my tax refund this year. 9______9. I'll use that money, if materials and the like haven't been completely bought, finish that before going for a sampler. For another synth as a slave, I'm think either the Yamaha DX7 or the Alesis Ion. FM versus analog modeling.
I think I rambled about impertinent bull, so I'm going to get back to stuff.
and cook some BACOOOOOON!!!! I love it!! How it sings in my skillet!!!!
k, auf wiedersehen.