Observing/ Enlightment/Enjoyment

Sep 17, 2007 20:53

Today, I went to Oakland just to spend the day off to just explore and I realize how much more often I want to go to Oakland. It's downtown except stuff stays open longer and more interesting things are there. Heck, I went into a music store and ALMOST bought a Denver the Dinosaur vhs tape!LOL!!

There was this corny ass tape there called "Black (crap, I forgot already) 2" and on the cover wad this Black guy holding a machine gun with fire behind him. It looked really horrible.lol

I met up with Grant there, and I got to see the library, and this library is amazing, and I only got to see some of it.

If red_flavor were to come here to Pittsburgh to visit, I'd take her to Oakland. And sad news, Hot Dogma is no more!!! :c(. That was the pimpest name for a restaurant inside of a church. Now it's Pierre's or some shit like that. Booooooooo!!! You suck a lot of dick.
(wow, that was Venablasphemy there! I said that to a church!!! :cx)

But I'd take her there (I'd take worm_baby,but she doesn't seem to like getting around much. :c( She's mostly sitting home. They do have a couple of sushi places. She'd like that.)

But red_flavor, if you were to come to Pittsburgh, I'd take you to the coolest places! The Library on the South Side is a sweet piece of ass, but Oakland has all the cool shit. Pitt U may be the reason why it's awesome up there.

I had a blast today.

Oh! Freaky shit!! They have a merry go round on their campus now.....lol!!! (and it's free...lol) It was so fucking weird it was awesome. I asked Grant if we could go on it, then thought about it. It's pretty awkward to ask your buddy that's not a girl to get on such an amusement, so I regretted saying that.lol

I love venturing, getting lost, and such. It's great to go on adventures.

AND I got to ride the bus back for free!! I don't know how, but the bus driver said,"this is my last one. Don't worry about it! :c)" (Yes, she smiled when she said it.lol)

If I get a car, I would come get red_flavor and we'd have some fun.I'd even let you pop your Devo cds in the player, and we'd Devo it back here!hehe!!

Sweet as hell.

Travis, Lisa, have you been to Oakland yet? I think you guys would like it there as a hangout spot. :c). It's what downtown SHOULD be. it's really nice up there.

Well, gotta go! I'm gonna pop a DiGiorno in the oven. Seeya!
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